George III Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 588 For Sale and Sold    ( 121 for sale  467 sold )  
Oak Carved  Longcase Clock£575.00 $739.91   €687.3 Oak Carved Longcase ClockRees Antiques Bristol Moving Eyes Mahogany Longcase Clock£3250 $4182.1   €3884.73 Bristol Moving Eyes Mahogany Longcase ClockRees Antiques Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock C1790.£7950 $10230.06   €9502.64 Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock C1790.The Chimes Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1765£12950 $16664.06   €15479.14 Magnificent Mahogany Longcase Clock C1765The Chimes
Superb 8 Day Longcase Clock Wth Rolling Moon C1780£6950 $8943.26   €8307.34 Superb 8 Day Longcase Clock Wth Rolling Moon C1780The Chimes Longcase Clock By James Richards Liverpool £18750 $24127.5   €22411.88 Longcase Clock By James Richards Liverpool David Wolfenden Antiques Late Georgian Oak Long Case Clock£395 $508.29   €472.14 Late Georgian Oak Long Case ClockRupert Hitchcox Antiques 19th Century 30 Hour Oak Cottage Clock£475 $611.23   €567.77 19th Century 30 Hour Oak Cottage ClockFB Antiques
Ellis Of Sheffield 30hour Longcase Clock £1550 $1994.54   €1852.72 Ellis Of Sheffield 30hour Longcase Clock Notts Clocks Excellent Quality George III Mahogany Grandfather Clock£1400 $1801.52   €1673.42 Excellent Quality George III Mahogany Grandfather ClockFernyhough Antiques Brass Dial Longcase Clock By Edward Seed  Brass Dial Longcase Clock By Edward SeedThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Superb Early 1770/5, 8 Day Longcase Clock£9950 $12803.66   €11893.24 Superb Early 1770/5, 8 Day Longcase ClockThe Chimes
8-Day Oak Longcase Clock By Yates, London£3250 $4182.1   €3884.73 8-Day Oak Longcase Clock By Yates, LondonCarlton Clocks Tidal Dial Longcase Clock By Phillip Lloyd£27500 $35387   €32870.75 Tidal Dial Longcase Clock By Phillip LloydThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Swedish Mora Longcase Clock  Swedish 'Mora' Longcase ClockOlde Time Antique Clocks Small Domestic Regulator By John Byard, London£22000 $28309.6   €26296.6 Small Domestic Regulator By John Byard, LondonOlde Time Antique Clocks
Kent Oak Longcae Clock By Hardeman Of Bridge£4950 $6369.66   €5916.74 Kent Oak Longcae Clock By Hardeman Of BridgeThe Chimes Antique Longcase Clock By Lomax Of Blackburn£5950 $7656.46   €7112.04 Antique Longcase Clock By Lomax Of BlackburnThe Chimes Georgian Longcase Clock John Gibson Of Edinburgh£3900 $5018.52   €4661.67 Georgian Longcase Clock John Gibson Of EdinburghGeorgian Antiques 6ft 9in Georgian Silvered Dial Longcase Clock£1195.00 $1537.73   €1428.38 6ft 9in Georgian Silvered Dial Longcase ClockHeydays Antiques
William Toleman Longcase Clock £2200 $2830.96   €2629.66 William Toleman Longcase Clock Notts Clocks Rare, Georgian, Musical,  Longcase Clock£12950 $16664.06   €15479.14 Rare, Georgian, Musical, Longcase ClockThe Chimes Macclesfield Longcase Clock C1790£4950 $6369.66   €5916.74 Macclesfield Longcase Clock C1790The Chimes Londoon Autometer Longcase Clock C1780£7950 $10230.06   €9502.64 Londoon Autometer Longcase Clock C1780The Chimes
C1800/10 Scottish Longcase Clock£4950 $6369.66   €5916.74 C1800/10 Scottish Longcase ClockThe Chimes C1765 London Walnut Longcase Clock£19950 $25671.66   €23846.24 C1765 London Walnut Longcase ClockThe Chimes SMALL PAINTED  8 DAY  Mahogany Edinburgh Clock£2800 $3603.04   €3346.84 SMALL PAINTED 8 DAY Mahogany Edinburgh ClockAbersoch Antiques George III Longcase Clock By Robert Wood, London£8250 $10616.1   €9861.23 George III Longcase Clock By Robert Wood, LondonNimbus Antiques