Mahogany Antique Bracket Clocks

Found 459 For Sale and Sold    ( 86 for sale  373 sold )  
A Good Bracket Clock By George Frodsham£3250 $4132.7   €3926 A Good Bracket Clock By George FrodshamM C Taylor Clocks Scottish Mahogany Break-Arch Bracket Clock£2700 $3433.32   €3261.6 Scottish Mahogany Break-Arch Bracket ClockM C Taylor Clocks Gray & Vulliamy Quarter Chiming Table Clock  Gray & Vulliamy Quarter Chiming Table ClockM C Taylor Clocks A GWR Twin Fusee Bracket / Table Clock£1950 $2479.62   €2355.6 A GWR Twin Fusee Bracket / Table ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Edwardian Period Inlaid Bracket Style Mantel Clock  Edwardian Period Inlaid Bracket Style Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Mahogany & Inlay Mantel Clock £775 $985.49   €936.2 Mahogany & Inlay Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Fine Quality Inlaid Mahogany Mantel Clock  Fine Quality Inlaid Mahogany Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Liverpool 8 Day Longcase Moon Roller Clock C1820£950 $1208.02   €1147.6 Liverpool 8 Day Longcase Moon Roller Clock C1820Ale House Antiques
Edwardian Inlaid Mantel Clock£475 $604.01   €573.8 Edwardian Inlaid Mantel ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Fine Quality George III Double Fusse Bracket Clock  Fine Quality George III Double Fusse Bracket ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Sheraton Garland Inlaid Mantel Clock  Antique Sheraton Garland Inlaid Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Superb Edwardian Three Train Grandmother Clock  Superb Edwardian Three Train Grandmother ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Late 19th Century Mahogany Library Clock£1250 $1589.5   €1510 Late 19th Century Mahogany Library ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany & Inlaid Timepiece Bracket Clock£475 $604.01   €573.8 Mahogany & Inlaid Timepiece Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Small Proportioned Regency Bracket Clock £1750 $2225.3   €2114 Small Proportioned Regency Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Miniature Mahogany Bracket Clock £480 $610.37   €579.84 Miniature Mahogany Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Pagoda Top Mahogany Mantel Clock£785 $998.21   €948.28 Pagoda Top Mahogany Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Antique Mahogany Bracket Mantel Clock  Antique Mahogany Bracket Mantel ClockDavid Wolfenden Antiques Edwardian Mahogany 8 Day Chiming Mantel Clock  Edwardian Mahogany 8 Day Chiming Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Edwardian Period Inlaid Petal Shaped Mantel Clock  Edwardian Period Inlaid Petal Shaped Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Antique Fruitwood Inlaid Panel Mantel Clock  Antique Fruitwood Inlaid Panel Mantel ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Mahogany Bracket Clock By Webster Of London£4750 $6040.1   €5738 Mahogany Bracket Clock By Webster Of LondonP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Antique Quality Oak And Mahogany Longcase Clock £4850 $6167.26   €5858.8 Antique Quality Oak And Mahogany Longcase Clock London City Antiques Thomas Pringle Grandfather Clock£3500 $4450.6   €4228 Thomas Pringle Grandfather ClockGeorgian Antiques
Mahogany & Inlay Mantel Clock£775 $985.49   €936.2 Mahogany & Inlay Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Geo IV Mahogany Fusee Bracket Clock£1950 $2479.62   €2355.6 Geo IV Mahogany Fusee Bracket ClockCross Antiques Small Mahogany Pad Top Bracket Clock£925 $1176.23   €1117.4 Small Mahogany Pad Top Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Jerimiah Lowman Ramsgate Georgian Bracket Clock£3450 $4387.02   €4167.6 Jerimiah Lowman Ramsgate Georgian Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd