Mahogany Antique Bracket Clocks

Found 459 For Sale and Sold    ( 86 for sale  373 sold )  
Late Georgian Fusee Bracket Mantel Clock£975.00 $1239.81   €1177.8 Late Georgian Fusee Bracket Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques An Edwardian Fusee Bracket Clock£850.00 $1080.86   €1026.8 An Edwardian Fusee Bracket ClockWoodys Antiques Mid 19th Century Mahogany Fusee Bracket Clock£1850 $2352.46   €2234.8 Mid 19th Century Mahogany Fusee Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Bracket Clock £925 $1176.23   €1117.4 Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Mahogany Miniature Longcase Clock C.1920£1095 $1392.4   €1322.76 Mahogany Miniature Longcase Clock C.1920Collinge Antiques John Upjohn, London Bracket Clock£2850 $3624.06   €3442.8 John Upjohn, London Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Mahogany And Inlay Mantel Clock £875 $1112.65   €1057 Mahogany And Inlay Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Mid 19th. Century Mahogany Bracket Clock£2450.00 $3115.42   €2959.6 Mid 19th. Century Mahogany Bracket ClockHarveys Antiques
Mahogany Mantle Clock With Westminster Chime£360 $457.78   €434.88 Mahogany Mantle Clock With Westminster ChimeLimited Editions Impressive Inlaid Mantle/Bracket Clock Brass Trims£385 $489.57   €465.08 Impressive Inlaid Mantle/Bracket Clock Brass TrimsLimited Editions Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Timepiece Mantel Clock£495 $629.44   €597.96 Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Timepiece Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Fine George III London Cushion Top Bracket Clock  Fine George III London Cushion Top Bracket ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Brass Dial Longcase With Moonphase, Hadwen Liverpool£5250 $6675.9   €6342 Brass Dial Longcase With Moonphase, Hadwen LiverpoolCarlton Clocks Mahogany Chiming Bracket Clock£1550 $1970.98   €1872.4 Mahogany Chiming Bracket ClockAntiques At The Mill Brockbank & Atkins London No12295 English Bracket £1550 $1970.98   €1872.4 Brockbank & Atkins London No12295 English Bracket Antiques At The Mill Small Georgian Fusee Bracket Clock, Kent Of London£2250 $2861.1   €2718 Small Georgian Fusee Bracket Clock, Kent Of LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Edwardian Mahogany Striking Mantel Clock £795 $1010.92   €960.36 Edwardian Mahogany Striking Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Edwardian Mahogany And Brass Inlay Striking Bracket  Clock £975 $1239.81   €1177.8 Edwardian Mahogany And Brass Inlay Striking Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Regency Mahogany Bracket Clock (London, C. 1830)£3250 $4132.7   €3926 Regency Mahogany Bracket Clock (London, C. 1830)Worboys Antiques And Clocks Late 19th Century Mahogany And Inlay Fusee Bracket£2650 $3369.74   €3201.2 Late 19th Century Mahogany And Inlay Fusee BracketWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock (Scotland, C. 1830£2950 $3751.22   €3563.6 Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock (Scotland, C. 1830Worboys Antiques And Clocks James Burroughs, Ironbridge, C.1825.  James Burroughs, Ironbridge, C.1825.Hg Barometers  Richard Webster I, Royal Exchange London.c 1780  Richard Webster I, Royal Exchange London.c 1780Hg Barometers Mahogany Triple Pad Top Bracket Clock. C.1815.  Mahogany 'Triple Pad Top' Bracket Clock. C.1815.Hg Barometers
George III London Mahogany Bracket Clock.  George III London Mahogany Bracket Clock.Hg Barometers Attractive Georgian Bracket Clock By Fowkes, Dartford  Attractive Georgian Bracket Clock By Fowkes, DartfordHg Barometers Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Striking Mantel Clock£795 $1010.92   €960.36 Edwardian Mahogany And Inlay Striking Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Top Quality Victorian Mahogany Grandmother Clock  Top Quality Victorian Mahogany Grandmother ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd