Late 18th Century Antique Bracket Clocks

Found 139 For Sale and Sold    ( 28 for sale  111 sold )  
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A Rare 18th Century French Bracket Clock By Le Roy£7995 $10166.44   €9657.96 A Rare 18th Century French Bracket Clock By Le RoyOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield Early Verge Fusee Bracket Clock Movement£995 $1265.24   €1201.96 Early Verge Fusee Bracket Clock MovementAntiques & Chic Superb Bracket Clock By Haughton Of Southwark£9250 $11762.3   €11174 Superb Bracket Clock By Haughton Of SouthwarkP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Outstanding Antique Oak Brass Face Longcase Clock£3550 $4514.18   €4288.4 Outstanding Antique Oak Brass Face Longcase ClockLondon City Antiques
Bullock Of London Verge Georgian Bracket Clock£3950 $5022.82   €4771.6 Bullock Of London Verge Georgian Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd A Fine Quality Flame Mahogany 8 Bell Quarter £6750 $8583.3   €8154 A Fine Quality Flame Mahogany 8 Bell Quarter Overton Clocks Of Chesterfield Regency Flame Mahogany & Brass Inlay Bracket Clock£3250 $4132.7   €3926 Regency Flame Mahogany & Brass Inlay Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield Sam Hill, Sheffield Georgian Longcase Clock£1350 $1716.66   €1630.8 Sam Hill, Sheffield Georgian Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Antique London Double Fusee Bracket Clock  Antique London Double Fusee Bracket ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Fine George III 8 Day Manchester Longcase Clock  Fine George III 8 Day Manchester Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd 18th Cent 8 Day Long Case / Grandfather Clock£1950 $2479.62   €2355.6 18th Cent 8 Day Long Case / Grandfather ClockCross Antiques A Triple Pad Top Brass Bound Mahogany Bracket Clock£4250 $5404.3   €5134 A Triple Pad Top Brass Bound Mahogany Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield
Georgian Painted Dial Bracket Clock By Samuel Birley£4450 $5658.62   €5375.6 Georgian Painted Dial Bracket Clock By Samuel BirleyOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield A Georgian Padtop Flame Mahogany Bracket Clock£3250 $4132.7   €3926 A Georgian Padtop Flame Mahogany Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield A Georgian Period Mahogany Bracket Clock With Brass Inlay£3250 $4132.7   €3926 A Georgian Period Mahogany Bracket Clock With Brass InlayOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield Egyptian Influenced Georgian Bracket Clock£2750 $3496.9   €3322 Egyptian Influenced Georgian Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield
George III Antique Chester 8 Day Longcase Clock  George III Antique Chester 8 Day Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd George III Mahogany Striking Verge Bracket Clock£3950 $5022.82   €4771.6 George III Mahogany Striking Verge Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield A Lovely Ebonised Timepiece Bracket Clock£1950 $2479.62   €2355.6 A Lovely Ebonised Timepiece Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield Georgian Chinoiserie Verge Bracket Clock£4750 $6040.1   €5738 Georgian Chinoiserie Verge Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield
Small George III 8 Day Inlaid Longcase Clock  Small George III 8 Day Inlaid Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Goddard Of London Georgian Fusee Bracket Clock£3850 $4895.66   €4650.8 Goddard Of London Georgian Fusee Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Georgian 8 Day Major Schofield Longcase Clock  Georgian 8 Day Major Schofield Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Fine George III Period London Fusee Bracket Clock  Fine George III Period London Fusee Bracket ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
London Made Verge Pad Top Bracket Clock£3900 $4959.24   €4711.2 London Made Verge Pad Top Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Charles Bayles, London, Verge Bracket Clock £3850 $4895.66   €4650.8 Charles Bayles, London, Verge Bracket Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd James Smith, London, Chinoiserie Bracket Clock £4950 $6294.42   €5979.6 James Smith, London, Chinoiserie Bracket Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Oak Longcase Clock£795 $1010.92   €960.36 Oak Longcase ClockCourtyard Antiques
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