Late 20th Century Antique Bracket Clocks
Found 17 For Sale and Sold ( 1 for sale 16 sold )
$567.25 €543.77
Bracket Timepiece By Rotherham & Sons, Coventry.Time To Admire
$436.35 €418.29
Elliot Of London Bracket Clock Dual ChimesAle House Antiques
$99.74 €95.61
Elliott Mantel Clock Saltwood Antiques
Quality Lacquered Clock By Elliott Of London Malcolm Eglin Antiques
$1240.47 €1189.12
Impressive Marquetry And Brass Decorated Clock Antiques & Chic
Impressive Kieninger Bracket ClockOsbourne Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
Bull Of Bedford Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$261.81 €250.97
Ollivant & Botsford Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
English Timepiece By ElliottWoodys Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
J.B. Mennie Newcastle Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
Garrard & Co Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$430.11 €412.31
Small Walnut Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks
$367.78 €352.55
German Boulle Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques
$2306.4 €2210.94
Large Vintage Boulle Bracket Clock And PedistalPrestige Clocks Ltd
Mappin & Webb Brass Carriage ClockStudio RT Ltd
French Ormolu Clock SetMansion House Antiques
French Ormolu Bracket ClockMansion House Antiques