Antique French Clocks

Found 3154 For Sale and Sold    ( 573 for sale  2581 sold )  
Large Silver Plated Striking Carriage Clock £1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 Large Silver Plated Striking Carriage Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Bell Striking French Four Glass Clock £1275 $1643.6   €1519.42 Bell Striking French Four Glass Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Original Miniature French Carriage £450.00 $580.1   €536.27 Original Miniature French Carriage Spencer James Antiques French Striking Carriage Clock Blue Numerals£685 $883.03   €816.31 French Striking Carriage Clock Blue NumeralsKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Antique Carriage Clock Weymouth Retailer£295 $380.28   €351.55 Antique Carriage Clock Weymouth RetailerKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Rare Art Deco Clock By Jaeger-LeCoultre, Circa 193  Rare Art Deco Clock By Jaeger-LeCoultre, Circa 193Deco-World French Tinplate Advatising Clock£185 $238.48   €220.46 French Tinplate Advatising ClockSmiths Vintage Large Silver Plated French Carriage Clock (France,£675 $870.14   €804.4 Large Silver Plated French Carriage Clock (France,Worboys Antiques And Clocks
French Toleware Wall Clock (France, C. 1890)£625 $805.69   €744.81 French Toleware Wall Clock (France, C. 1890)Worboys Antiques And Clocks French Striking Carriage Clock£650 $837.92   €774.61 French Striking Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Strike Alarm Carriage Clock£765 $986.16   €911.65 Strike Alarm Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Sonnerie Strike Repeat Gorge Carriage Clock£2200 $2836.02   €2621.74 Sonnerie Strike Repeat Gorge Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
French Gilt Clock Set With Side Vases£675 $870.14   €804.4 French Gilt Clock Set With Side VasesKembery Antique Clocks Ltd French Portico Mantel Clock Set£550 $709.01   €655.44 French Portico Mantel Clock SetKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Engraved Repeating Alarm Carriage Clock By Soldano£2925 $3770.62   €3485.72 Engraved Repeating Alarm Carriage Clock By SoldanoCarlton Clocks Late 19th Century French Mantel Clock.£550 $709.01   €655.44 Late 19th Century French Mantel Clock.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
French Boulle Mantel Clock£975 $1256.87   €1161.91 French Boulle Mantel ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd French Boulle Mantel Clock, Henry Marc, Paris£925 $1192.42   €1102.32 French Boulle Mantel Clock, Henry Marc, ParisKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Art Deco Modernist Clock  Art Deco Modernist ClockDeco-World 1930s Art Deco Clock By The French Clock Company   1930's Art Deco Clock By The French Clock Company Deco-World
Modernist Art Deco Swiss 8 Day Mantle Clock  Modernist Art Deco Swiss 8 Day Mantle ClockDeco-World French Art Deco Alarm Clock By JAZ  French Art Deco Alarm Clock By JAZDeco-World Aiguilles French Striking Repeater Carriage Clock£475.00 $612.32   €566.06 Aiguilles French Striking Repeater Carriage ClockSpencer James Antiques Fine Quality French Boulle Mantel Clock£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Fine Quality French Boulle Mantel ClockCarse Antiques
Antique French Brass Japy Freres Regulator Clock£325 $418.96   €387.3 Antique French Brass Japy Freres Regulator ClockTerrier Antiques French Empire Carriage Clock (France, C. 1900)£745 $960.38   €887.82 French Empire Carriage Clock (France, C. 1900)Worboys Antiques And Clocks Engraved Brass Carriage Clock (France, C. 1860)£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Engraved Brass Carriage Clock (France, C. 1860)Worboys Antiques And Clocks Rosewood And Brass Inlay French Mantel Clock France£1475 $1901.42   €1757.76 Rosewood And Brass Inlay French Mantel Clock FranceWorboys Antiques And Clocks