American Antique Oil Paintings
Found 70 For Sale and Sold ( 21 for sale 49 sold )
American Oil Painting Raquette Lake, New York Prometheus Antiques
Art Deco Oil Painting Hugo Gnam - 20th Century School House Antiques
20th C Surrealist Oil Painting By Arthur OkamuraSchool House Antiques
Impressionist Painting By Philip Krevoruck WPA ERASchool House Antiques
$553.64 €537.53
Oil Painting Sea Captain By David Pelbam Cheshire Antiques Consultant
Surrealist Oil Painting - Harold C Kimball School House Antiques
Rockport Massachusetts Oil On Canvas Painting Prometheus Antiques
Still Life Oil Painting After Albert Francis KingPrometheus Antiques
$2085.36 €2024.68
18th-Century American School Portrait Of A LadyBrave Fine Art
$1906.97 €1851.48
Inca Painting - Cusco School, 18th Century.Middletons Antiques
American School Folk Art Pair Of Portraits Westbank Antiques
$3198.78 €3105.7
Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, Paris, Anne GoldthwaiteHurlingham Fine Arts
Large Portrait Oil Painting After RembrandtPrometheus Antiques
$1138.03 €1104.91
Henry Pember Smith, Landscape With LakeBrave Fine Art
$116.88 €113.48
Gordon Howes Red Cliffs Desert LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
$104.58 €101.53
Gordon Howes Desert Navajo Land LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
$79.97 €77.64
Gordon Howes (1938-2013) La Ventana Arch LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
$79.97 €77.64
Gordon Howes American Desert Navajo LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
$104.58 €101.53
Gordon Howes (1938-2013) Desert Arroya LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
V Unusual 20th C. Folk Primitive Painting Steam TrainCotswold House Antiques
$7320.29 €7107.28
American Beauty - Society Portrait Oil Painting Academy Fine Paintings
Frank Ryan US 1920-93 Oil Portrait Of Carol 1959Studio RT Ltd
Large Life Size 1960's Nude Oil Painting By Borst Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Oil Painting By American Burr H NichollsPrometheus Antiques
Large American Sublime Landscape Oil PaintingPrometheus Antiques
$738.18 €716.7
19th Century Oil Painting, The Hudson River, NYLemon Tree Antiques
$1593.24 €1546.88
19th C American School Portrait Of A BotanistRob Hall Antiques
Impressive 19th Century Colonial Oil PortraitSturmans Antiques Ltd