American Antique Oil Paintings

Found 70 For Sale and Sold    ( 21 for sale  49 sold )  
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American Oil Painting Raquette Lake, New York   American Oil Painting Raquette Lake, New York Prometheus Antiques Art Deco Oil Painting Hugo Gnam - 20th Century   Art Deco Oil Painting Hugo Gnam - 20th Century School House Antiques 20th C Surrealist Oil Painting By Arthur Okamura  20th C Surrealist Oil Painting By Arthur OkamuraSchool House Antiques Impressionist Painting By Philip Krevoruck WPA ERA  Impressionist Painting By Philip Krevoruck WPA ERASchool House Antiques
Oil Painting Sea Captain By David Pelbam £450 $553.64   €537.53 Oil Painting Sea Captain By David Pelbam Cheshire Antiques Consultant Surrealist Oil Painting - Harold C Kimball   Surrealist Oil Painting - Harold C Kimball School House Antiques Rockport Massachusetts Oil On Canvas Painting   Rockport Massachusetts Oil On Canvas Painting Prometheus Antiques Still Life Oil Painting After Albert Francis King  Still Life Oil Painting After Albert Francis KingPrometheus Antiques
18th-Century American School Portrait Of A Lady£1695 $2085.36   €2024.68 18th-Century American School Portrait Of A LadyBrave Fine Art Inca Painting - Cusco School, 18th Century.£1550 $1906.97   €1851.48 Inca Painting - Cusco School, 18th Century.Middletons Antiques American School Folk Art Pair Of Portraits   American School Folk Art Pair Of Portraits Westbank Antiques Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, Paris, Anne Goldthwaite£2600 $3198.78   €3105.7 Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, Paris, Anne GoldthwaiteHurlingham Fine Arts
Large Portrait Oil Painting After Rembrandt  Large Portrait Oil Painting After RembrandtPrometheus Antiques Henry Pember Smith, Landscape With Lake£925 $1138.03   €1104.91 Henry Pember Smith, Landscape With LakeBrave Fine Art Gordon Howes Red Cliffs Desert Landscape£95.00 $116.88   €113.48 Gordon Howes Red Cliffs Desert LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques Gordon Howes Desert Navajo Land Landscape£85.00 $104.58   €101.53 Gordon Howes Desert Navajo Land LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques
Gordon Howes (1938-2013) La Ventana Arch Landscape£65.00 $79.97   €77.64 Gordon Howes (1938-2013) La Ventana Arch LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques Gordon Howes American Desert Navajo Landscape£65.00 $79.97   €77.64 Gordon Howes American Desert Navajo LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques Gordon Howes (1938-2013) Desert Arroya Landscape£85.00 $104.58   €101.53 Gordon Howes (1938-2013) Desert Arroya LandscapeJohn Austin Antiques V Unusual 20th C. Folk Primitive Painting Steam Train  V Unusual 20th C. Folk Primitive Painting Steam TrainCotswold House Antiques
American Beauty - Society Portrait Oil Painting £5950 $7320.29   €7107.28 American Beauty - Society Portrait Oil Painting Academy Fine Paintings Frank Ryan US 1920-93 Oil Portrait Of Carol 1959  Frank Ryan US 1920-93 Oil Portrait Of Carol 1959Studio RT Ltd Large Life Size 1960s Nude Oil Painting By Borst   Large Life Size 1960's Nude Oil Painting By Borst Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Oil Painting By American Burr H Nicholls  Oil Painting By American Burr H NichollsPrometheus Antiques
Large American Sublime Landscape Oil Painting  Large American Sublime Landscape Oil PaintingPrometheus Antiques 19th Century Oil Painting, The Hudson River, NY£600.00 $738.18   €716.7 19th Century Oil Painting, The Hudson River, NYLemon Tree Antiques 19th C American School Portrait Of A Botanist£1295 $1593.24   €1546.88 19th C American School Portrait Of A BotanistRob Hall Antiques Impressive 19th Century Colonial Oil Portrait  Impressive 19th Century Colonial Oil PortraitSturmans Antiques Ltd
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