Persian Antique Metalware

Found 25 For Sale and Sold    ( 7 for sale  18 sold )  
19thC Indo Persian Islamic Mixed Metal Hookah Base£125 $156.54   €150.04 19thC Indo Persian Islamic Mixed Metal Hookah BaseSignature Antiques Small Antique Octagonal Dish, Middle Eastern£695 $870.35   €834.21 Small Antique Octagonal Dish, Middle EasternLondon Fine Antiques Persian Copper Vase£265 $331.86   €318.08 Persian Copper VaseKernow Furniture 18thc/19thc Bidriware Bottles£950 $1189.69   €1140.29 18thc/19thc Bidriware BottlesBay Hall Antiques
Antique Persian Enamel Bowl And Plate Set£175 $219.15   €210.05 Antique Persian Enamel Bowl And Plate SetTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts 19th Century Persian Silver Liberty Cup£180 $225.41   €216.05 19th Century Persian Silver Liberty CupImperial Antiques Qajar Qalam Zani Nadir Shah Victory C1920 Islamic£495 $619.89   €594.15 Qajar Qalam Zani Nadir Shah Victory C1920 IslamicIslamique Antiques Decorative Brass Wine Cooler, Kinco, C.1923-39£50 $62.62   €60.02 Decorative Brass Wine Cooler, Kinco, C.1923-39Burnell And Rowe
Large Lidded Brass Bowl, Kinco, Surrey, C.1923-39£60 $75.14   €72.02 Large Lidded Brass Bowl, Kinco, Surrey, C.1923-39Burnell And Rowe Mughal Indian Koftgari Gold Silver Steel Plate£380 $475.87   €456.11 Mughal Indian Koftgari Gold Silver Steel PlateFrogabilia North Indian / Persian Vase  £205 $256.72   €246.06 North Indian / Persian Vase 3 Legged Duck Interiors 17thc Persian Brass Charger Depicting Man On Horse  17thc Persian Brass Charger Depicting Man On HorseBay Hall Antiques
Brass Pot Stand, Kinco, England, 1924-39£35 $43.83   €42.01 Brass Pot Stand, Kinco, England, 1924-39Burnell And Rowe Decorative Nineteenth Century Persian Brass Bowl£265 $331.86   €318.08 Decorative Nineteenth Century Persian Brass BowlAnthony Wilkinson Antiques 19thc Persian Dhal, Some Gold Damascene  19thc Persian Dhal, Some Gold DamasceneBay Hall Antiques 19th Century Indo Persian Steel, Silver Gold Plate£300.00 $375.69   €360.09 19th Century Indo Persian Steel, Silver Gold PlateImperial Antiques
Early 20th Century Persian Copper Circular Dish£195 $244.2   €234.06 Early 20th Century Persian Copper Circular DishRams Head Antiques Christopher Dresser Elkington 1889 Copper Chalice£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Christopher Dresser Elkington 1889 Copper ChaliceIslamique Antiques Arts & Crafts Brass Persian Charger. Keswick  Arts & Crafts Brass Persian Charger. KeswickRed House Antiques Antique Persian Copper Jardiniere Vessel£185 $231.68   €222.06 Antique Persian Copper Jardiniere VesselRams Head Antiques
Islamic Middle Eastern Copper Script Bowl£275 $344.38   €330.08 Islamic Middle Eastern Copper Script BowlFrogabilia Grand 18th Century Indo-Persian Copper Bowl / Charger£480 $601.1   €576.14 Grand 18th Century Indo-Persian Copper Bowl / ChargerRams Head Antiques Qajar Persian Tinned Bronze Copper Charger Signed£365 $457.09   €438.11 Qajar Persian Tinned Bronze Copper Charger SignedFrogabilia Early 20thc Indo Persian Dahl  Early 20thc Indo Persian DahlBay Hall Antiques
Superb Large Persian Tray  Superb Large Persian TrayNethermill Antiques      