Late 19th Century Antique Metalware

Found 1347 For Sale and Sold    ( 276 for sale  1071 sold )  
19th Century Cast Iron Mr Punch Door Stop£250 $315.7   €303.13 19th Century Cast Iron Mr Punch Door StopElmgarden Arts And Crafts Pewter Bowl£38.00 $47.99   €46.08 Arts And Crafts Pewter BowlYore Antiques Liberty Art Nouveau Heritage Pewter Tray. £245 $309.39   €297.06 Liberty Art Nouveau Heritage Pewter Tray. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre A Good Arts And Crafts Newlyn Charger By John Pearson£395 $498.81   €478.94 A Good Arts And Crafts Newlyn Charger By John PearsonFernyhough Antiques
Metal ‘Punch’ Door Stop£85 $107.34   €103.06 Metal ‘Punch’ Door StopNew Barn Antiques A Cast Iron Victorian Roundel£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 A Cast Iron Victorian RoundelWestland London Antique Medieval Style Brass Casket£195.00 $246.25   €236.44 Antique Medieval Style Brass CasketBarnhill Trading Co. 19th Century Islamic  Engraved Copper Pail£260 $328.33   €315.25 19th Century Islamic Engraved Copper PailMichael Allcroft Antiques
Victorian Hand Bell£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 Victorian Hand BellBarnhill Trading Co. 1900 Vide Poche Bronze Signed£140 $176.79   €169.75 1900 Vide Poche Bronze SignedAntiques Affair Arts And Crafts Table Cigar Lighter£85 $107.34   €103.06 Arts And Crafts Table Cigar LighterVictorian Four Poster Beds Art Nouveau Copper Picture£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 Art Nouveau Copper PictureYore Antiques
Beautiful Pair Victorian Cast Iron Photo Frames £99.95 $126.22   €121.19 Beautiful Pair Victorian Cast Iron Photo Frames G. Oakes & Son Antiques  Antique Bronze Door Stop£185.00 $233.62   €224.31 Antique Bronze Door StopBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Door Stop£185.00 $233.62   €224.31 Antique Door StopBarnhill Trading Co. 19th Century Brass Chestnut Roaster£175.00 $220.99   €212.19 19th Century Brass Chestnut RoasterBarnhill Trading Co.
Early Heavy Brass  Loud School Bell£85.00 $107.34   €103.06 Early Heavy Brass Loud School BellMelbourne Antiques Art Nouveau Egyptian Style Copper Tray  £35.00 $44.2   €42.44 Art Nouveau Egyptian Style Copper Tray Yore Antiques STOLEN 2017 Art Nouveau Solid Brass Table Planter  STOLEN 2017 Art Nouveau Solid Brass Table PlanterMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Cased Pair Of Art Nouveau Decorative Servers£75.00 $94.71   €90.94 Cased Pair Of Art Nouveau Decorative ServersSlades Antiques
Arts And Crafts / Nouveau Kayserzinn Pewter Jug. C1900 £125 $157.85   €151.56 Arts And Crafts / Nouveau Kayserzinn Pewter Jug. C1900 Art Furniture Keswick School Of Industrial Art Copper Plaque.£420 $530.38   €509.25 Keswick School Of Industrial Art Copper Plaque.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Domed Topped Middle Eastern Copper Spice Box£110.00 $138.91   €133.38 Domed Topped Middle Eastern Copper Spice BoxSmugglers Cottage Antiques And Interiors Brass & Copper Charger Lions Antelopes £225.00 $284.13   €272.81 Brass & Copper Charger Lions Antelopes Studio RT Ltd
Art Nouveau Jardiniere Fruit Dish Silvered Bronze£140 $176.79   €169.75 Art Nouveau Jardiniere Fruit Dish Silvered BronzeAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Vide Poche Bronze£120 $151.54   €145.5 Art Nouveau Vide Poche BronzeAntiques Affair Antique Brass Jam Pan£55.00 $69.45   €66.69 Antique Brass Jam PanBarnhill Trading Co. James Dixon & Sons Pewter Mustard Pot£45.00 $56.83   €54.56 James Dixon & Sons Pewter Mustard PotBarnhill Trading Co.