Late 19th Century Antique Metalware

Found 1347 For Sale and Sold    ( 276 for sale  1071 sold )  
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Art Nouveau Copper Container£48.00 $60.61   €58.2 Art Nouveau Copper ContainerYore Antiques Art Nouveau Brass Crumb Tray By Townshend£65.00 $82.08   €78.81 Art Nouveau Brass Crumb Tray By TownshendBarnhill Trading Co. Victorian Copper 2 Gallon Harvest Measure£175 $220.99   €212.19 Victorian Copper 2 Gallon Harvest MeasureMichael Allcroft Antiques Syrian Tinned Copper Plate£38.00 $47.99   €46.08 Syrian Tinned Copper PlateBarnhill Trading Co.
Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper£99 $125.02   €120.04 Art Nouveau Vide Poche CopperAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper French£99 $125.02   €120.04 Art Nouveau Vide Poche Copper FrenchAntiques Affair An Arts & Crafts Copper Tray£95.00 $119.97   €115.19 An Arts & Crafts Copper TrayAntiques And Interiors Arts & Crafts Copper Charger£135.00 $170.48   €163.69 Arts & Crafts Copper ChargerBarnhill Trading Co.
Pair Brass Animal Figures£75 $94.71   €90.94 Pair Brass Animal FiguresMichael Armson Antiques Ltd Arts & Crafts Jug In Brass£95 $119.97   €115.19 Arts & Crafts Jug In BrassAntiques Affair Late Victorian Indian Brass Wall Charger£140 $176.79   €169.75 Late Victorian Indian Brass Wall ChargerHawthornes Antiques 1920 Jardiniere In Bronze£220 $277.82   €266.75 1920 Jardiniere In BronzeAntiques Affair
Antique Copper Log Bucket£195.00 $246.25   €236.44 Antique Copper Log BucketMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Classically Decorated Brass Bowl.£175.00 $220.99   €212.19 Classically Decorated Brass Bowl.David South Antiques Art Nouveau Vase In Copper£90 $113.65   €109.13 Art Nouveau Vase In CopperAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Shop Concierge Bell£95 $119.97   €115.19 Art Nouveau Shop Concierge BellETG Antiques & Decorative Arts
Art Nouveau Centre Table/Wall Hanging£130 $164.16   €157.63 Art Nouveau Centre Table/Wall HangingAntiques Affair Art Nouveau Table Brush And Pail£120 $151.54   €145.5 Art Nouveau Table Brush And PailAntiques Affair Art Nouveau  Jardiniere In Bronze£160 $202.05   €194 Art Nouveau Jardiniere In BronzeAntiques Affair Antique Pair Of Pewter Plates£160.00 $202.05   €194 Antique Pair Of Pewter PlatesBarnhill Trading Co.
Antique Copper Funnel£65.00 $82.08   €78.81 Antique Copper FunnelBarnhill Trading Co. Candelabra£750.00 $947.1   €909.38 CandelabraBarnhill Trading Co. Decorative Cast Grate£195 $246.25   €236.44 Decorative Cast GrateSeventeen Twenty One Brass Jug  Brass JugBarnhill Trading Co.
Art Nouveau Blackberry Design Copper Dish  Art Nouveau Blackberry Design Copper DishPenrose Antiques Antique Putto Doorstop, English, Brass, Cherub£675 $852.39   €818.44 Antique Putto Doorstop, English, Brass, CherubLondon Fine Antiques Fine English Desk / Counter Bell Dated 1868  Fine English Desk / Counter Bell Dated 1868Puckerings Antiques Bidri Silver-Inlaid Vase, Bidar, India, C1890  Bidri Silver-Inlaid Vase, Bidar, India, C1890The Purply Shop
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