1910 Antique Metalware
Found 51 For Sale and Sold ( 15 for sale 36 sold )
$67.67 €65.7
Arts And Crafts Pewter JugFlemish Chandeliers
$104.58 €101.53
Arts And Crafts Copper JugFlemish Chandeliers
$92.27 €89.59
Dryad Arts And Crafts Conical Copper Bowl C1912Penrose Antiques
$153.79 €149.31
Rare Cast Iron Boot Jack Select Antiques
$116.88 €113.48
Liberty Archibald Knox Tudric Chocolate Pot C1910Penrose Antiques
$406 €394.19
Rare Pair Of Brass WWI Waste Paper Baskets Georgian Antiques
$215.3 €209.04
Signed Arts And Crafts Hammered Copper TrayBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
$239.91 €232.93
Two WW1 Trench Art Empty Brass Shell Cases Elmgarden
$978.09 €949.63
World. War One MemorialFernyhough Antiques
$485.97 €471.83
Beautiful Brass PlateFernyhough Antiques
$147.64 €143.34
LIberty Tudric Planished Pewter Tankard C1910Penrose Antiques
$307.58 €298.63
Art Nouveau Copper Ice BucketHobson May Collection
$215.3 €209.04
Enamel Wash Basin Jug And BucketYesterdays Corner
$121.8 €118.26
Art Nouveau Fruit Stand In BrassAntiques Affair
$116.88 €113.48
An Arts & Crafts Copper Spill HolderAntiques And Interiors
$522.88 €507.66
Antique Punch And Judy Cast Iron Door Stops Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$147.64 €143.34
Edwardian Wood And Leather Photo Frame 23cmJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors
$10949.67 €10631.05
Imposing Pair Of French Ornamental Lead Vases BaseLoveday Antiques Ltd
$239.91 €232.93
Liberty & Co, Tudric Pewter Bowl Or Planter C.1910Chapmanpugh Modern Antiques
$855.06 €830.18
Antique Town Clerk's Hand Bell, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$369.09 €358.35
Arts And Crafts Copper Serving Tray By OlburyBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
Antique French Grape HodHobson May Collection
Early 20th Century French Grape HodHobson May Collection
Arts & Crafts Copper Lion & Unicorn Plaques, C1910Harrington Antiques
$516.73 €501.69
American Arts And Crafts Bronze Vase - Otto HeintzWebberley Antiques
Royal Navy Copper Grog MeasureHobson May Collection
$215.3 €209.04
J F Pool Hayle Cornish Arts And Crafts Copper JugThe Two Arthurs
Early 20th Century French Grape HodHobson May Collection