Late 19th Century Antique Metalware

Found 1347 For Sale and Sold    ( 276 for sale  1071 sold )  
Antique Collection Of Hand Hammered Copper Items£345 $435.67   €418.31 Antique Collection Of Hand Hammered Copper ItemsLondon City Antiques Early Victorian Copper Warming Pan As Found£120 $151.54   €145.5 Early Victorian Copper Warming Pan As FoundMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Arts & Crafts Church Tabernacle Crown£220 $277.82   €266.75 Arts & Crafts Church Tabernacle CrownSaltwood Antiques Cast Iron Sailing Dinghy Or Yacht Door Stop/Porter£110.00 $138.91   €133.38 Cast Iron Sailing Dinghy Or Yacht Door Stop/PorterStudio RT Ltd
Antique Decorative Jardiniere, English, Copper£745 $940.79   €903.31 Antique Decorative Jardiniere, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques Antique Mr Punch Doorstop, English, Cast Iron£475 $599.83   €575.94 Antique Mr Punch Doorstop, English, Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques Large Antique Censer, Japanese, Bronze, Serving£1795 $2266.73   €2176.44 Large Antique Censer, Japanese, Bronze, ServingLondon Fine Antiques Pair Antique Lion Rampant Doorstops, Brass, C.1870£575 $726.11   €697.19 Pair Antique Lion Rampant Doorstops, Brass, C.1870Paul Doran Antiques
Arts And Crafts 2 Handle Copper Vase£170 $214.68   €206.13 Arts And Crafts 2 Handle Copper VaseArt Furniture Quality Antique Chinese Lidded Incense Burner£385 $486.18   €466.81 Quality Antique Chinese Lidded Incense BurnerUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pretty Antique Victorian Brass Jardiniere £325 $410.41   €394.06 Pretty Antique Victorian Brass Jardiniere Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Decorative Lead Plaque, Scandinavian£1595 $2014.17   €1933.94 Antique Decorative Lead Plaque, ScandinavianLondon Fine Antiques
Lovely Antique Victorian Cast Iron Doorstop£295 $372.53   €357.69 Lovely Antique Victorian Cast Iron DoorstopUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Victorian Quality Copper Ornate Jersey Can£225 $284.13   €272.81 Antique Victorian Quality Copper Ornate Jersey CanUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Arts And Crafts Hammered Copper Dish / Tazza£110 $138.91   €133.38 Arts And Crafts Hammered Copper Dish / TazzaArt Furniture Pair Of Victorian Polished Brass Doorstops£245 $309.39   €297.06 Pair Of Victorian Polished Brass DoorstopsPaul Doran Antiques
Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Copper Oval Tray Fuchsia£115.00 $145.22   €139.44 Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Copper Oval Tray FuchsiaLevels Antiques Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Oval Tray Primroses£115.00 $145.22   €139.44 Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Oval Tray PrimrosesLevels Antiques Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Rectangular Copper Tray 24"£145.00 $183.11   €175.81 Hugh Wallis Arts & Crafts Rectangular Copper Tray 24"Levels Antiques Quality Victorian Brass Ornate Dr Jim Doorstop£385 $486.18   €466.81 Quality Victorian Brass Ornate 'Dr Jim' DoorstopUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Quality Cast Brass Qing Period Chinese Jardinière£330 $416.72   €400.13 Quality Cast Brass Qing Period Chinese JardinièreGeorgian Antiques 19th Century Red Toleware Tray£270 $340.96   €327.38 19th Century Red Toleware TrayHobson May Collection Victorian Cast Iron Copper£475 $599.83   €575.94 Victorian Cast Iron CopperWitch Antiques Edwardian Art Nouveau Copper Planter£265 $334.64   €321.31 Edwardian Art Nouveau Copper PlanterChurch Street Antiques
Very Large Art Nouveau Brass Jardiniere£695 $877.65   €842.69 Very Large Art Nouveau Brass JardiniereElmgarden Rare Polished Pig / Hog Mechanical Bell C.1890£1795 $2266.73   €2176.44 Rare Polished Pig / Hog Mechanical Bell C.1890Puckerings Antiques Pair Of Elegant Art Nouveau Bud Vases£38.00 $47.99   €46.08 Pair Of Elegant Art Nouveau Bud VasesAntique Rarities Antique Cornish Love Jug, English, Copper, Decor£695 $877.65   €842.69 Antique Cornish Love Jug, English, Copper, DecorLondon Fine Antiques