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Monumental Pieta Dura Side Cabinet

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Monumental Pieta Dura Side Cabinet Monumental  Pieta Dura %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Circa 1860. Mid Victorian ebonized and gilt metal mounted cabinet of breakfront D form.
The Frieze with brass inlay, mounts and a floral hardstone panel above a central covered door, mounted in 5 various hardstone panels depicting fruit, flowers and a bird. Flanked by curved glazed doors, enclosing 2 shelves. All resting on a conforming break fronted plinth base with guild metal mounds.

129cm High, 182cm Long, 47cm Deep
£9000.00  UK
$11444.40  USA
10872.00  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Category Antique Furniture Period Mid Victorian Antiques Origin English Item code as178a5194 / 31330 Status For Sale

SellerGeorgian Antiques

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Georgian Antiques

Georgian Antiques10 Pattison Street
Leith Links

Tel : 0131 5537286

Non UK callers : +44 131 5537286

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Monumental Pieta Dura Side Cabinet
as178a5194 / 31330



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