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Maple & Co Mirrored-back Sideboard

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Maple & Co Mirrored-back Sideboard Maple  Co  Mirrored-back Sideboard %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Circa 1890. A large late Victorian walnut mirror back sideboard. The monumental back with dentil design in the cornice with a large arched section with a well carved shell in the centre. The back with bevel edge mirror with two large fluted columns with carved capitals on the top, and a shelf towards the base which is braced by ribbed brackets. Large polished surface with various moulded edges, in the base is a configuration of two long drawers flanked by two smaller drawers. The large drawer has another drawer of similar size beneath. Beneath the bottom drawer is an open space with a shaped apron. Two cupboards with profusely carved doors, maker’s label on the inside one of the doors ‘Maple & Co Ltd, London and Paris’. Beneath the doors is further moulding, a shaped frieze and the whole piece rests on bracket feet.

225cm H, 185cm W, 60cm D
£2250.00  UK
$2857.28  USA
2725.20  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 3/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Category Antique Furniture Period Late Victorian Antiques Material Walnut Origin English Maker Maple and Co Item code as178a5299 / 31052 Status For Sale

SellerGeorgian Antiques

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Georgian Antiques

Georgian Antiques10 Pattison Street
Leith Links

Tel : 0131 5537286

Non UK callers : +44 131 5537286

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Maple & Co Mirrored-back Sideboard
as178a5299 / 31052



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