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Heal's Oak Sectional Bookcase

Heals Oak Sectional Bookcase Heals  Heal  Son Heals %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
An oak sectional bookcase by Heal's c.1930. No label but this bookcase is illustrated in numerous period Heal's catalogues. The bookcase comprises three sections: One deep base section and two shallower top sections. The later each with an adjustable shelf.

Offered in excellent refinished condition.

Dimensions: The bookcase stands 69" tall, 34.5" wide and 11" deep (at the base).
Viewings at our Norfolk Warehouse & Showroom by appointment.

£0  UK
$0.00  USA
0.00  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 24/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Furniture Date c.1930  1930s Antiques Material Oak Origin English Maker Heals Item code as157a718 Status Sold

SellerCirca 1900

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Circa 1900

Circa 1900Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Norwich

Tel : 07918 656108

Non UK callers : +44 7918 656108
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Heal's Oak Sectional Bookcase



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