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Camphorwood Brass Bound Campaign Trunk

Camphorwood Brass Bound Campaign Trunk Antique Victorian camphorwood military %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Victorian Camphorwood brass bound campaign trunk

To view this on video please go to hingstons-antiques website
This Camphorwood trunk is a great size , it is the dimensions to make a superb coffee table.
What a conversation piece this makes!!!
It would have been used to transport an officers belonging uniforms and swords etc on the long arduous journeys' around the Empire.
It has the flush brass corners and strapping that is so attractive but also important to protect it when being transported.

Antiques are unique it is impossible to price match
When you choose to purchase an item from Hingstons you will be purchasing a piece that will enhance your home.
We spend time choosing the best product, that meets the criteria to be placed in Hingstons of Wilton stock.
We use traditional methods of restoration and do not use lacquers and spray finishes.
Beware of poor imitations.
104cms wide
52cms deep
48cms high

If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase within the 7 day period, we will give you a full refund(excluding the return delivery cost).

Antiques are unique as it is impossible to price match
When you choose to purchase an item from Hingstons you will be purchasing a piece that will enhance your home.
We spend time choosing the best product, that meets the criteria to be placed in Hingstons of Wilton stock.
We use traditional methods of restoration and do not use lacquers and spray finishes.
Beware of cheaper imitations.

Purchases from Hingstons Antiques Ltd are covered under the Distance Selling Regulations, which give all buyers the right to cancel the purchase within 7 working days after receipt of the item, for a full refund less RETURN transport costs

Opening Hours

9am-5pm Mon - Friday

10-5pm Saturday

Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays

We can arrange to get a quote for shipping anywhere in the world

£0.00  UK
$0.00  USA
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Furniture Period Victorian Antiques Material Camphor Wood Origin English Item code as188a832 Status Sold

SellerHingstons Antiques Of Wilton

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Hingstons Antiques Of Wilton

Hingstons Antiques of WiltonThe Old Bell House
2 Shaftesbury Road,
Wilton, Salisbury

Tel : 01722 742263

Non UK callers : +44 1722 742263

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Camphorwood Brass Bound Campaign Trunk



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