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An Oak Combination Wardrobe And Chest Of Drawers

An Oak Combination Wardrobe And Chest Of Drawers Peter Waal  Edward Barnsley Loughborough College %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
A solid golden coloured, quarter-sawn oak combination piece. Ascribed to the Loughborough College workshops under the tutelage of Peter Waal or Edward Barnsley who were both the appointed consultant cabinet makers who introduced and developed the "Cotswold tradition" there.
Notable features of the Cotswold Tradition of antique furniture making were the careful choice of solid wood to make simple, well-proportioned, functional pieces, the use of an open construction with dovetailing or pinned joints, and restrained decoration. All evident on this piece.
Peter Waals died in 1937 but was succeeded as consultant in cabinet making and design by another craftsman directly linked to the Cotswold Tradition. Edward Barnsley, son of Sidney, taught at Loughborough, developing what Waals had begun and instructing and influencing new generations of handicraft teachers in the Cotswold Tradition of furniture making.
The furniture itself was made by students training at the College to be handicraft teachers. In addition to their individual pieces, they made the bedroom, dining hall and library furniture designed by Peter Waals. Some is still in use in the University today, notably the high table and chairs constructed for the dining room of Hazlerigg Hall.
The piece is in excellent condition with just one small repair to the bottom of the wardrobe door. It breaks down in to 4 pieces for ease of movement.
Size The base overall is 148cm wide and 57cm deep. The height is 2003cm. The wardrobe is 61cm wide and the chest of drawers 84cm wide and 121cm high.
£2595.00  UK
$3276.97  USA
3146.44  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Furniture Date c1935  Arts and Crafts Antiques Material Golden Oak Origin English Item code as160a802 / 1910 Status Sold

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An Oak Combination Wardrobe And Chest Of Drawers
as160a802 / 1910



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