Late 20th Century Antiques

Found 35217 For Sale and Sold    ( 8478 for sale )  
Campo San Travaso Venice Russell Flint  Campo San Travaso Venice Russell FlintArtsoutine Arts And Antiques Russell Flint Signed Print Interlude  Russell Flint Signed Print InterludeArtsoutine Arts And Antiques Heather St. Clair Davies.£1350.00 $1703.84   €1627.43 Heather St. Clair Davies.JWS Art Royal Albert Tea Set£60 $75.73   €72.33 Royal Albert Tea SetBaildon Furniture Company Ltd
Sheffield Silver Box£197 $248.63   €237.48 Sheffield Silver BoxAfonwen Antique Centre Silver Apostle Spoons£285 $359.7   €343.57 Silver Apostle SpoonsAfonwen Antique Centre Vladimir Belsky£395.00 $498.53   €476.17 Vladimir BelskyJWS Art Marcel Breuer  Cesca Chairs  Marcel Breuer Cesca ChairsBaildon Furniture Company Ltd
Original Poster Monte Carlo By Geo Ham£495.00 $624.74   €596.72 Original Poster Monte Carlo By Geo HamDoe And Hope Vintage Real Red Fox Fur Coat  Vintage Real Red Fox Fur CoatAnn's Tiques Unique Vintage Vintage Real Fox Fur Jacket  Vintage Real Fox Fur JacketAnn's Tiques Unique Vintage Porcelain Jardinaire Water Feature Lamp  Porcelain Jardinaire Water Feature LampMansion House Antiques
Vintage Wooden Wheel Drum/ Coffee Table£160.00 $201.94   €192.88 Vintage Wooden Wheel Drum/ Coffee TableDebden Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Stone  Garden Lions  Pair Of Stone Garden LionsMansion House Antiques Stone Neptune Fountain Mask£265.00 $334.46   €319.46 Stone Neptune Fountain MaskDebden Antiques And Interiors Retro 1960S Peacock Chair  Retro 1960S Peacock ChairArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Ziegler Rug 301cm X 216cm£1350.00 $1703.84   €1627.43 Ziegler Rug 301cm X 216cmDoe And Hope Ziegler Rug 178cm X 130cm£495.00 $624.74   €596.72 Ziegler Rug 178cm X 130cmDoe And Hope Ziegler Rug 116cm X 84cm£220.00 $277.66   €265.21 Ziegler Rug 116cm X 84cmDoe And Hope Oak Linen Fold Bookcase  Oak Linen Fold BookcaseArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Tüserkan Rug 121cm X 85cm£120.00 $151.45   €144.66 Tüserkan Rug 121cm X 85cmDoe And Hope Torkaman Rug 61cm X 134cm£95.00 $119.9   €114.52 Torkaman Rug 61cm X 134cmDoe And Hope Supreme Kazak Rug 88cm X 60cm£125.00 $157.76   €150.69 Supreme Kazak Rug 88cm X 60cmDoe And Hope Red Afghan Rug 270cm X 200cm£420.00 $530.08   €506.31 Red Afghan Rug 270cm X 200cmDoe And Hope
Red Afghan Rug 150cm X 104cm£135.00 $170.38   €162.74 Red Afghan Rug 150cm X 104cmDoe And Hope Khal Mohammadi Rug 121cm X 78£175.00 $220.87   €210.96 Khal Mohammadi Rug 121cm X 78Doe And Hope Hamadan Rug 95cm X 76cm£90.00 $113.59   €108.5 Hamadan Rug 95cm X 76cmDoe And Hope Hamadan Rug 72cm X 42cm£80.00 $100.97   €96.44 Hamadan Rug 72cm X 42cmDoe And Hope