Late 18th Century Antiques

Found 14353 For Sale and Sold    ( 2811 for sale )  
Georgian Corner Cupboard   Georgian Corner Cupboard Domani Antique And Contemporary 18th C Venetian Mirror  18th C Venetian MirrorDomani Antique And Contemporary Late 18th.c Oak Dresser Base.£3495 $4505.4   €4164.99 Late 18th.c Oak Dresser Base.Collinge Antiques Donisthorpe Of Loughborough£1800 $2320.38   €2145.06 Donisthorpe Of LoughboroughNotts Clocks
Chest On Chest / Tallboy£2600.00 $3351.66   €3098.42 Chest On Chest / TallboyGallant Antiques Sam Hill 8 Day Longcase Clock£2300 $2964.93   €2740.91 Sam Hill 8 Day Longcase ClockNotts Clocks Georgian Pine Dresser Base£1300.00 $1675.83   €1549.21 Georgian Pine Dresser BaseGallant Antiques Georgian Longcase Clock.£8500 $10957.35   €10129.45 Georgian Longcase Clock.Nimbus Antiques
William Barnard Of Newark£3700 $4769.67   €4409.29 William Barnard Of NewarkNotts Clocks Brumhead Of Stamford 1785£1600 $2062.56   €1906.72 Brumhead Of Stamford 1785Notts Clocks Sam Hill Of Sheffield C1780£1600 $2062.56   €1906.72 Sam Hill Of Sheffield C1780Notts Clocks John Cooke Of Earl  Shilton  John Cooke Of Earl ShiltonNotts Clocks
Denton Of Hull Longcase Clock£2400 $3093.84   €2860.08 Denton Of Hull Longcase ClockNotts Clocks Skarrow Of Wigan Longcase£2800 $3609.48   €3336.76 Skarrow Of Wigan LongcaseNotts Clocks Benjamin Downes Of Mansfield£2700 $3480.57   €3217.59 Benjamin Downes Of MansfieldNotts Clocks A Welsh Dresser Base£7950.00 $10248.35   €9474.02 A Welsh Dresser BaseHavard And Havard
A Welsh Comb Back Armchair£2650.00 $3416.12   €3158.01 A Welsh Comb Back ArmchairHavard And Havard George III Mahogany Chest£520 $670.33   €619.68 George III Mahogany ChestAfonwen Antique Centre Salt Box Verge Fusee.  Salt Box Verge Fusee.The Chimes Dresser Base  Dresser BaseBarnhill Trading Co.
Mahogany Rolling Moon Longcase  Mahogany Rolling Moon LongcaseThe Chimes Yorkshire Longcase Clock  Yorkshire Longcase ClockThe Chimes Swaine Of Woodbridge 1780.  Swaine Of Woodbridge 1780.The Chimes Scottish Mahogany 8 Day Longcase Clock C1780  Scottish Mahogany 8 Day Longcase Clock C1780The Chimes
Bread & Cheese Cupboard  Bread & Cheese CupboardBarnhill Trading Co. George III Mule Chest£775 $999.05   €923.57 George III Mule ChestDenbighshire Antiques Corner Cupboard  Corner CupboardBarnhill Trading Co. antique£495 $638.1   €589.89  Afonwen Antique Centre