Early Victorian Antiques

Found 8997 For Sale and Sold    ( 1762 for sale )  
Two Victorian Rosewood Dining Chairs  Two Victorian Rosewood Dining ChairsYola Gray Antiques Victorian Colonial Mahogany Partner Desk  Victorian Colonial Mahogany Partner DeskYola Gray Antiques 4 Mahogany Balloon Back Chairs£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 4 Mahogany Balloon Back ChairsChairs4u2 Early Victorian Side Table Mahogany Writing Table£1485 $1914.31   €1769.67 Early Victorian Side Table Mahogany Writing TableNimbus Antiques
Victorian Rosewood Wellington Chest  Victorian Rosewood Wellington ChestWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Large Mid 19th.c. Mahogany Wardrobe.£3995 $5149.95   €4760.84 Large Mid 19th.c. Mahogany Wardrobe.Collinge Antiques Stunning Pair Victorian Oak Hall Chairs£295 $380.28   €351.55 Stunning Pair Victorian Oak Hall ChairsFernyhough Antiques Victorian Figured Walnut Pedestal Desk£2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Victorian Figured Walnut Pedestal DeskPeter J. Martin Antiques
Pair Of Very Early Victorian Lustres  Pair Of Very Early Victorian LustresTH Chandeliers English Verge Pocket Watch, Fowler£495 $638.1   €589.89 English Verge Pocket Watch, FowlerDeveron Jewellers Early Victorian Writing Table  Early Victorian Writing TableNimbus Antiques Set 6 Victorian Mahogany Dining Chairs £2695 $3474.12   €3211.63 Set 6 Victorian Mahogany Dining Chairs Merchant House Antiques
Superb French Porcelain Mantel Clock£1250.00 $1611.38   €1489.63 Superb French Porcelain Mantel ClockDauphin Antiques Double Ended Rosewood Couch Settee  Double Ended Rosewood Couch SetteeYola Gray Antiques Decorative Antique Gilt Side Chair  Decorative Antique Gilt Side ChairMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Housekeepers Cupboard - Q3142£1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 Housekeeper's Cupboard - Q3142Courtyard Antiques
A 19th C. Oak Painted Dresser Base £985.00 $1269.76   €1173.82 A 19th C. Oak Painted Dresser Base Havard And Havard Burr Walnut Davenport£1200.00 $1546.92   €1430.04 Burr Walnut DavenportDauphin Antiques Victorian Mahogany Bedside Chest C.1840  Victorian Mahogany Bedside Chest C.1840Yola Gray Antiques Superb Quality Antique Rosewood Day Bed.  Superb Quality Antique Rosewood Day Bed.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Antique Fusee Wall Clock,Kendall And Dent  Antique Fusee Wall Clock,Kendall And DentCove Clocks Beautiful Victorian Overmantel Mirror  Beautiful Victorian Overmantel MirrorWilliam James Antiques And Interiors English Silver Fusee Pocket Watch£194.94 $251.3   €232.31 English Silver Fusee Pocket WatchDeveron Jewellers Scottish Silver Christening Mug£395 $509.19   €470.72 Scottish Silver Christening MugDeveron Jewellers
Carved Giltwood  Mirror  Carved Giltwood MirrorBury Court Antiques Unusual Victorian Antique Side Chair  Unusual Victorian Antique Side ChairMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Set Of 14 Victorian Mahogany Chairs£14500 $18691.95   €17279.65 Set Of 14 Victorian Mahogany ChairsGeorgian Antiques Victorian Mahogany Hallstand (c.1840)  Victorian Mahogany Hallstand (c.1840)Yola Gray Antiques