
Found 8227 For Sale and Sold    ( 1492 for sale  6735 sold )  
Elegant William IV Rosewood Chiffonier£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Elegant William IV Rosewood ChiffonierNimbus Antiques Late Victorian Rosewood Duet Stool£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Late Victorian Rosewood Duet StoolNimbus Antiques Mid Century Desk By Henning Jensen C1960  Mid Century Desk By Henning Jensen C1960The Furniture Rooms 19th Century Chinese Rosewood Occasional Table£1080 $1363.82   €1309.5 19th Century Chinese Rosewood Occasional TableMartlesham Antiques
Rare 19th Century Rosewood Marine Stick Barometer  Rare 19th Century Rosewood Marine Stick BarometerSturmans Antiques Ltd Large Rosewood Coffee Table C.1860.£1195 $1509.05   €1448.94 Large Rosewood Coffee Table C.1860.Collinge Antiques Antique French Kingwood & Rosewood Commode Chest£575 $726.11   €697.19 Antique French Kingwood & Rosewood Commode ChestMarylebone Antiques Ormolu Mounted Rosewood Occasional Table£590 $745.05   €715.38 Ormolu Mounted Rosewood Occasional TableGeorgian Antiques
Antique Card Table, Victorian Rosewood Table£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Antique Card Table, Victorian Rosewood TableLondon Fine Antiques Rosewood Inlaid Sutherland Table  Rosewood Inlaid Sutherland TableShackladys Antiques Fine Regency Rosewood Card Table  Fine Regency Rosewood Card TableDomani Antiques Exquisite Rosewood And Inlaid Vitrine   Exquisite Rosewood And Inlaid Vitrine Nimbus Antiques
Regency Brass Inlaid Rosewood Jewellery Box£685 $865.02   €830.56 Regency Brass Inlaid Rosewood Jewellery BoxNimbus Antiques 19th Century Rosewood Coffee Table  19th Century Rosewood Coffee TableShackladys Antiques Regency Mother Of Pearl Inlaid Jewellery Box£635 $801.88   €769.94 Regency Mother Of Pearl Inlaid Jewellery BoxNimbus Antiques Regency Satinwood And Rosewood Jewellery Box£625 $789.25   €757.81 Regency Satinwood And Rosewood Jewellery BoxNimbus Antiques
Early Victorian Rosewood Jewellery Box With Tray£595 $751.37   €721.44 Early Victorian Rosewood Jewellery Box With TrayNimbus Antiques Mid Century Chest Of Drawers In Rosewood  Mid Century Chest Of Drawers In RosewoodThe Furniture Rooms Regency Period Chest Of Drawers£725 $915.53   €879.06 Regency Period Chest Of DrawersAntiques On Sea Inlaid Rosewood Writing Desk By Collinson & Lock£2850 $3598.98   €3455.63 Inlaid Rosewood Writing Desk By Collinson & LockCamden Antiques
Unusual Victorian Rosewood Chaise Longue£1495.00 $1887.89   €1812.69 Unusual Victorian Rosewood Chaise LongueGraver Antiques And Interiors Regency Brass Inlaid Secretaire  Regency Brass Inlaid SecretaireHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Antique Breakfast Table, William IV Rosewood£3950 $4988.06   €4789.38 Antique Breakfast Table, William IV RosewoodLondon Fine Antiques Antique William IV Rosewood Breakfast Table  Antique William IV Rosewood Breakfast TableEras Of Style
Pair Late 19th.c. Chinese Urn Stands C.1895.£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Pair Late 19th.c. Chinese Urn Stands C.1895.Collinge Antiques Regency Rosewood Ladies Sewing Work Table C.1820  Regency Rosewood Ladies Sewing Work Table C.1820Yola Gray Antiques Mid Century Rosewood Sideboard By Bramin. C1950  Mid Century Rosewood Sideboard By Bramin. C1950The Furniture Rooms Mid Century Rosewood Sideboard By Mcintosh. C1960  Mid Century Rosewood Sideboard By Mcintosh. C1960The Furniture Rooms