Oak Antiques

Found 39639 For Sale and Sold    ( 4596 for sale  35043 sold )  
Oak Buffet-Sideboard£150 $183.53   €178.16 Oak Buffet-SideboardFB Antiques Oak Two Seater Bench-Settle£295 $360.93   €350.37 Oak Two Seater Bench-SettleFB Antiques Rare Carved 19th Century Quality Gothic Cupboard £3500 $4282.25   €4156.95 Rare Carved 19th Century Quality Gothic Cupboard Georgian Antiques Lancashire Mule Chest£550 $672.93   €653.24 Lancashire Mule ChestLedger Antiques
Early XXth Century Solid Oak Swivelling Desk Chair£1295 $1584.43   €1538.07 Early XXth Century Solid Oak Swivelling Desk ChairNimbus Antiques Late 17th Century Oak Gateleg Table Of Fine Patina£1650.00 $2018.78   €1959.71 Late 17th Century Oak Gateleg Table Of Fine PatinaLVS Decorative Arts Arts & Crafts Oak Bucket Planter£70.00 $85.65   €83.14 Arts & Crafts Oak Bucket PlanterCeltic Antiques Small Pegged Arts And Crafts Oak Bookcase£265 $324.23   €314.74 Small Pegged Arts And Crafts Oak BookcaseArt Furniture
Gramophone With Horn Oak Cased Circa 1920’s£1500 $1835.25   €1781.55 Gramophone With Horn Oak Cased Circa 1920’sSovereign Antiques Old Sturdy Oak Chest, Log Box£425 $519.99   €504.77 Old Sturdy Oak Chest, Log BoxElmgarden Gothic Oak Boarded Stool Of Trestle Form£3450 $4221.08   €4097.57 Gothic Oak Boarded Stool Of Trestle FormLeslie And Baggott Oak & Brass Coopered Coal Bin£340 $415.99   €403.82 Oak & Brass Coopered Coal BinArt Furniture
Arch Base Oak Farmhouse Dining Table £2400 $2936.4   €2850.48 Arch Base Oak Farmhouse Dining Table Sussex Antiques And Interiors 17th Century Charles II Oak Wainscot Armchair£1390 $1700.67   €1650.9 17th Century Charles II Oak Wainscot ArmchairSchool House Antiques Long Painted Dresser Base With Pot Board£1750 $2141.13   €2078.48 Long Painted Dresser Base With Pot BoardNewark Antiques And Interiors 17th Century Oak Chest Of Drawers , Circa 1680£1800 $2202.3   €2137.86 17th Century Oak Chest Of Drawers , Circa 1680School House Antiques
Elizabethan Carved Oak Refectory Table, Circa 1580£6995 $8558.38   €8307.96 Elizabethan Carved Oak Refectory Table, Circa 1580School House Antiques Antique Victorian Carved Oak Bookcase£895 $1095.03   €1062.99 Antique Victorian Carved Oak BookcaseAntique Furniture Direct Victorian Oak Desk Chair£380 $464.93   €451.33 Victorian Oak Desk ChairHutton-Clarke Antiques Woven Rush Seated Oak Joint Stool£225 $275.29   €267.23 Woven Rush Seated Oak Joint StoolElmgarden
Welsh Oak Tack Cupboard C.1820£1495 $1829.13   €1775.61 Welsh Oak Tack Cupboard C.1820Collinge Antiques Solid Oak Cheval Mirror£525 $642.34   €623.54 Solid Oak Cheval MirrorWorboys Antiques And Clocks Antique Globe Wernicke Sectional Bookcase£1495 $1829.13   €1775.61 Antique Globe Wernicke Sectional BookcaseKernow Furniture Antique 17th C Style Carved Oak Buffet Cupboard£785 $960.45   €932.34 Antique 17th C Style Carved Oak Buffet CupboardKernow Furniture
Very Long Pair Bleached Oak Dining Benches £2500 $3058.75   €2969.25 Very Long Pair Bleached Oak Dining Benches Sussex Antiques And Interiors Oak Welsh Dresser Base C.1820£1495 $1829.13   €1775.61 Oak Welsh Dresser Base C.1820Collinge Antiques Two Grand Tour Italian Corinthian Side Hall Chairs£2350 $2875.23   €2791.1 Two Grand Tour Italian Corinthian Side Hall ChairsWimbledon Furniture Ltd Oval Oak Gate Leg Coffee Or Occasional Table£395 $483.28   €469.14 Oval Oak Gate Leg Coffee Or Occasional TableElmgarden