
Found 3699 For Sale and Sold    ( 797 for sale  2902 sold )  
Lovely Pair Of Arts & Crafts Copper Finger Plates  Lovely Pair Of Arts & Crafts Copper Finger PlatesRed House Antiques Victorian Art Nouveau Copper Display Plate  Victorian Art Nouveau Copper Display PlatePenrose Antiques Victorian Christopher Dresser Candlestick C1880  Victorian Christopher Dresser Candlestick C1880Penrose Antiques Copper Log Bin £445 $561.95   €539.56 Copper Log Bin Merchant House Antiques
Early Victorian Brass Or Copper Fireside  Skillet£38.00 $47.99   €46.08 Early Victorian Brass Or Copper Fireside SkilletMelbourne Antiques Victorian Set Of Brass And Copper Scales£440 $555.63   €533.5 Victorian Set Of Brass And Copper ScalesSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Keswick School Of Industrial Arts Charger C1900  Keswick School Of Industrial Arts Charger C1900Penrose Antiques Victorian Copper Pot Or Logbin£245 $309.39   €297.06 Victorian Copper Pot Or LogbinMalcolm Eglin Antiques
Georgian Conical Copper Ale Muller  Georgian Conical Copper Ale MullerPenrose Antiques Arts And Crafts Cobral Planished Copper Bowl   Arts And Crafts Cobral Planished Copper Bowl Penrose Antiques Novelty Copper Stick Stand£115 $145.22   €139.44 Novelty Copper Stick StandCourtyard Antiques Arts & Crafts Mirror With Tulips & Cabochon  Arts & Crafts Mirror With Tulips & CabochonRed House Antiques
Arts And Crafts Coal Bucket  Arts And Crafts Coal BucketWalcot And Co Late Victorian Miniature Copper Carriage Clock.£150 $189.42   €181.88 Late Victorian Miniature Copper Carriage Clock.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Mid 20th.c. Copper Umbrella And Stick Stand.£295 $372.53   €357.69 Mid 20th.c. Copper Umbrella And Stick Stand.Collinge Antiques Simple Arts And Crafts Copper Framed Mirror  Simple Arts And Crafts Copper Framed MirrorArt Furniture
Copper Water Jug  Copper Water JugBarnhill Trading Co. Victorian / Edwardian Arts & Crafts Copper Plate  Victorian / Edwardian Arts & Crafts Copper PlatePenrose Antiques Large 19th Century Antique Copper Pan.  Large 19th Century Antique Copper Pan.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 19th Century Antique Copper Pan / Vessel.   19th Century Antique Copper Pan / Vessel. Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Early 20th.c. Arts & Crafts Wall Mirror C.1910.£375 $473.55   €454.69 Early 20th.c. Arts & Crafts Wall Mirror C.1910.Collinge Antiques Arts And Crafts Period Table Lamp In Copper  Arts And Crafts Period Table Lamp In CopperArt Furniture Arts & Crafts Hugh Wallis Copper Hexagonal Dishes£60 $75.77   €72.75 Arts & Crafts Hugh Wallis Copper Hexagonal DishesPenrose Antiques 19th Century Antique Copper Vessel.   19th Century Antique Copper Vessel. Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Extraordinary Arts & Crafts Firescreen  Extraordinary Arts & Crafts FirescreenPaul Michael Farnham Arts & Crafts Hugh Wallis Copper Oval Tray  Arts & Crafts Hugh Wallis Copper Oval TrayPenrose Antiques Large Copper Jug And Wash Basin  Large Copper Jug And Wash BasinPrometheus Antiques Arts And Crafts Copper Framed Wall Mirror C1900  Arts And Crafts Copper Framed Wall Mirror C1900Art Furniture