
Found 596 For Sale and Sold    ( 88 for sale  508 sold )  
18 Bentwood Antique Dining Chairs. Sold In Pairs.  18 Bentwood Antique Dining Chairs. Sold In Pairs.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Shooting Stick Folding Seat Walking Stick Stand£195.00 $246.11   €235.07 Shooting Stick Folding Seat Walking Stick StandLondon Fine Antiques Coat And Hat Stand£595 $750.95   €717.27 Coat And Hat StandMartlesham Antiques 19th Century Bent Wood Hall Stand By Thonet  19th Century Bent Wood Hall Stand By ThonetElmgarden
Bentwood Hallstand   Bentwood Hallstand Shackladys Antiques Entwood Pair Of Chairs J & J Kohn Austria Embossed£195.00 $246.11   €235.07 Entwood Pair Of Chairs J & J Kohn Austria EmbossedLondon Fine Antiques Edwardian Bentwood Rocking Chair£95 $119.9   €114.52 Edwardian Bentwood Rocking ChairWhere Memories Meet Bentwood Shooting Stick - R3459£95 $119.9   €114.52 Bentwood Shooting Stick - R3459Courtyard Antiques
Victorian Bentwood Base Hat And Coat Stand  Victorian Bentwood Base Hat And Coat StandPrichard Antiques Set Of 4 French Bistro Or Cafe Bentwood Chairs  Set Of 4 French Bistro Or Cafe Bentwood ChairsElmgarden Hall Hat & Stick Stand Coat Rack Cloak Hook£575.00 $725.71   €693.16 Hall Hat & Stick Stand Coat Rack Cloak HookLondon Fine Antiques Bentwood Stick Stand£375 $473.29   €452.06 Bentwood Stick StandGeorgian Antiques
Bentwood Coat Hooks Rack£35 $44.17   €42.19 Bentwood Coat Hooks RackWhere Memories Meet 1920s Bentwood Hat And Coat Stand £195 $246.11   €235.07 1920s Bentwood Hat And Coat Stand Worboys Antiques And Clocks Antique Umbrella Hat Stick Stand Coat £420.00 $530.08   €506.31 Antique Umbrella Hat Stick Stand Coat London Fine Antiques Thonet Bentwood Coat And Hat Stand  Thonet Bentwood Coat And Hat StandPrichard Antiques
Thonet Ebonised Bentwood Childs Rocking Chair  Thonet Ebonised Bentwood Child's Rocking ChairPrichard Antiques Hall Hat & Stick Stand Coat Rack£480.00 $605.81   €578.64 Hall Hat & Stick Stand Coat RackLondon Fine Antiques 19th Century Thonet Walking Stick/Stool  19th Century Thonet Walking Stick/StoolPrichard Antiques Pair Of Bentwood Lounge Club Colonial Arm Chairs£450.00 $567.95   €542.48 Pair Of Bentwood Lounge Club Colonial Arm ChairsLondon Fine Antiques
Bentwood Hat Stand£650.00 $820.37   €783.58 Bentwood Hat StandPeppermill Antiques Victorian Antique Bentwood Hat/Coat Stan  Victorian Antique Bentwood Hat/Coat StanMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Art Deco Set Of Six 6 Bentwood Chairs£630.00 $795.12   €759.47 Art Deco Set Of Six 6 Bentwood ChairsLondon Fine Antiques Bentwood Vintage Sun Deck Chair£425.00 $536.39   €512.34 Bentwood Vintage Sun Deck ChairLondon Fine Antiques
4 Bentwood Cafe Kitchen Dining Chairs£445.00 $561.63   €536.45 4 Bentwood Cafe Kitchen Dining ChairsLondon Fine Antiques Antique Hall Hat, Stick & Coat Stand£420.00 $530.08   €506.31 Antique Hall Hat, Stick & Coat StandLondon Fine Antiques Thonet Table And Chairs  Thonet Table And ChairsNethermill Antiques Antique Bentwood Hat & Coat Stand.  Antique Bentwood Hat & Coat Stand.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd