19th Century Antique Wood Carvings

Found 383 For Sale and Sold    ( 104 for sale  279 sold )  
Lecturn  Mahogany Stand With Bird £875.00 $1104.95   €1060.94 Lecturn Mahogany Stand With Bird Rees Antiques Carved And Gilded Italian Shrine£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Carved And Gilded Italian ShrineGeorgian Antiques Antique French Carved Wood Panels Set£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Antique French Carved Wood Panels SetBelle Antiques Madonna Polychrome£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Madonna PolychromeMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors
Chinese Carved Hardwood Immortal Figures C1860£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Chinese Carved Hardwood Immortal Figures C1860Paul Doran Antiques Pair Of Italian Limewood & Giltwood Wall Brackets£1175.00 $1483.79   €1424.69 Pair Of Italian Limewood & Giltwood Wall BracketsHobson May Collection Carved Walnut Stands Pair Seated Lions  Armorials£700 $883.96   €848.75 Carved Walnut Stands Pair Seated Lions ArmorialsNorthern Antiques - Northumberland Swiss Black Forest Carved Extending Book Shelf £500 $631.4   €606.25 Swiss Black Forest Carved Extending Book Shelf Northern Antiques - Northumberland
A Large Beautifully Carved Figure Of A Young Woman£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 A Large Beautifully Carved Figure Of A Young WomanGravener Antiques Chinese Deep Carved Gilt Panel,c 1890£195 $246.25   €236.44 Chinese Deep Carved Gilt Panel,c 1890Curious Antiques Pair Indian Carved Corbels,c 1890£395 $498.81   €478.94 Pair Indian Carved Corbels,c 1890Curious Antiques Large Carved Gothic Overmantel£6000 $7576.8   €7275 Large Carved Gothic OvermantelTomkinson Stained Glass
Early 19thC Architectural Carved Softwood Finial£775.00 $978.67   €939.69 Early 19thC Architectural Carved Softwood FinialDoe And Hope W. S. Williamson Arts And Crafts Carved Panelling.£3500 $4419.8   €4243.75 W. S. Williamson Arts And Crafts Carved Panelling.Tribalism To Modernism Massive Chinese Figure£575 $726.11   €697.19 Massive Chinese FigureCavers Antiques Antique Japanese Carved Bamboo Page Turner£55 $69.45   €66.69 Antique Japanese Carved Bamboo Page TurnerTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
Top Quality Japanese Root Carving£295 $372.53   €357.69 Top Quality Japanese Root CarvingFernyhough Antiques 19th C Indian Carved Elephant With Copper Decor£395 $498.81   €478.94 19th C Indian Carved Elephant With Copper DecorJMR Antiques Ltd. Italian Carver Bench Legs £1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Italian Carver Bench Legs Antiguo Antique And Decorative Lord Byron £170 $214.68   €206.13 Lord Byron Aylmer Fine Art
Sale On. Antique Carved Oak Panel£155.00 $195.73   €187.94 Sale On. Antique Carved Oak PanelBarnhill Trading Co. Sale On. Antique Oak Carved Panel£155.00 $195.73   €187.94 Sale On. Antique Oak Carved PanelBarnhill Trading Co. Antique  OAK  LECTERN£700 $883.96   €848.75 Antique OAK LECTERNRees Antiques Exceptional Pair Of Carved Ebony Elephants.£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Exceptional Pair Of Carved Ebony Elephants.Gravener Antiques
A Pair Of Black Forest Carved Figures £1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 A Pair Of Black Forest Carved Figures Robert Belcher Antiques Magnificent Carved Black Forest Monkey Gong C.1890£1995 $2519.29   €2418.94 Magnificent Carved Black Forest Monkey Gong C.1890Puckerings Antiques 19th C. French Corner Giltwood Wallshelf, H_46 Cm£395 $498.81   €478.94 19th C. French Corner Giltwood Wallshelf, H_46 CmDubinins Antiques And Atelier Italian Carved Wood Mermaids 19thcentury £6500.00 $8208.2   €7881.25 Italian Carved Wood Mermaids 19thcentury Hindley Antiques