19th Century Antique Wood Carvings

Found 384 For Sale and Sold    ( 105 for sale  279 sold )  
Set Of 4 19thC Large Pine Carvings£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Set Of 4 19thC Large Pine CarvingsBlank Canvas Antiques Lime Wood Winged Carved Cherub Head Superb£110 $138.91   €133.38 Lime Wood Winged Carved Cherub Head SuperbDragonfly Antique Lime Wood Carved Winged Cherub Head Wall Ornament£110 $138.91   €133.38 Lime Wood Carved Winged Cherub Head Wall OrnamentDragonfly Antique Carved Pine Wall Bracket£95.00 $119.97   €115.19 Carved Pine Wall BracketHavard And Havard
Pair Of French Painted Eternal Flame Carvings 1800£595.00 $751.37   €721.44 Pair Of French Painted Eternal Flame Carvings 1800Doe And Hope Antique Carved Oak Lion Of Lucerne£575 $726.11   €697.19 Antique Carved Oak Lion Of LucerneRams Head Antiques Carved Wood Panel  Carved Wood PanelVictorian Four Poster Beds Painted Pine George III Mourning Monument Urn£850.00 $1073.38   €1030.63 Painted Pine George III Mourning Monument UrnDoe And Hope
A Pair Of Antique, Hand Carved Wall Brackets£350.00 $441.98   €424.38 A Pair Of Antique, Hand Carved Wall BracketsAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Primitive19th Century Polynesian Ship’s Mast Head  Primitive19th Century Polynesian Ship’s Mast HeadElmgarden 19thc Carved Statue Saint Joseph With Infant Jesus  19thc Carved Statue Saint Joseph With Infant JesusBay Hall Antiques 19th Century Chinese Root Carving£195 $246.25   €236.44 19th Century Chinese Root CarvingSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
19th Century Chinese Root Carving£195 $246.25   €236.44 19th Century Chinese Root CarvingSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Handsome Antique Carved Wooden Lion£185 $233.62   €224.31 Handsome Antique Carved Wooden LionRams Head Antiques A Massive 17thC Style Carved Oak Relief £2500 $3157   €3031.25 A Massive 17thC Style Carved Oak Relief Youngs Antiques Black Forest Carved Whip Hook 19th Century£395 $498.81   €478.94 Black Forest Carved Whip Hook 19th CenturyWestbank Antiques
Pair Of Gilt Wall Sconces£145 $183.11   €175.81 Pair Of Gilt Wall SconcesSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Oak Carved Plaques Depicting Game Birds£325 $410.41   €394.06 Pair Of Oak Carved Plaques Depicting Game BirdsSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors 19th Century Hand Carved Giltwood Plaque The Green Man £675 $852.39   €818.44 19th Century Hand Carved Giltwood Plaque The Green Man Rams Head Antiques 19th Cent Carved French Wooden Fairground Penguin  19th Cent Carved French Wooden Fairground PenguinElmgarden
19th Century Actress Carved In Oak£475 $599.83   €575.94 19th Century Actress Carved In OakRobert Belcher Antiques Antique Carved Wall Panel, Circular, Chinese.£785 $991.3   €951.81 Antique Carved Wall Panel, Circular, Chinese.London Fine Antiques Pair Of 19thc Carved Oak Terms In 17thc Style  Pair Of 19thc Carved Oak Terms In 17thc StyleBay Hall Antiques Decorative Gothic Victorian Church Script Boards  Decorative Gothic Victorian Church Script BoardsHawthornes Antiques
19thc Black Forest Finely Carved Chamois Figure  19thc Black Forest Finely Carved Chamois FigureLVS Decorative Arts 19thc Finely Carved Wooden Black Forest Fox Casket  19thc Finely Carved Wooden Black Forest Fox CasketLVS Decorative Arts Black Forest Pocket Watch Holder - Hare C.1900  Black Forest Pocket Watch Holder - Hare C.1900Puckerings Antiques Large Pair Carved Oak Angels 19th Century£5750 $7261.1   €6971.88 Large Pair Carved Oak Angels 19th CenturyRams Head Antiques