19th Century Antique Treen

Found 1249 For Sale and Sold    ( 271 for sale  978 sold )  
Swedish Bowl£145 $186.92   €172.8 Swedish BowlNewsum Antiques Vintage 19th Century French Hat Block Shop Display  Vintage 19th Century French Hat Block Shop DisplayElmgarden A 19th Century Sycamore Scoop£225 $290.05   €268.13 A 19th Century Sycamore ScoopAnthony House Antiques 19thC Folk Art Thatched Cottage Treen String Box  19thC Folk Art 'Thatched Cottage' Treen String BoxHarrington Antiques
A Nineteenth Century Lignum Fishing Priest£115 $148.25   €137.05 A Nineteenth Century Lignum Fishing PriestAnthony House Antiques An Early Nineteenth Century Pine Spoon Rack.£375 $483.41   €446.89 An Early Nineteenth Century Pine Spoon Rack.Anthony House Antiques A Large Welsh Sycamore Dairy Bowl£425 $547.87   €506.47 A Large Welsh Sycamore Dairy BowlAnthony House Antiques Large Size Coopered Oak Ale Jug£145 $186.92   €172.8 Large Size Coopered Oak Ale JugCarse Antiques
Novelty Treen Pig`s Head Letter Holder  Novelty Treen Pig`s Head Letter HolderHavard And Havard Antique Welsh Folk Art Cawl Spoon Ladle Treen  Antique Welsh Folk Art Cawl Spoon Ladle TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Rare 19thC Folk Art Bedside Tidy Watch Stand  Rare 19thC Folk Art Bedside Tidy Watch StandWelsh Vernacular Antiques A Welsh Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad.£95 $122.46   €113.21 A Welsh Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad.Anthony House Antiques
Mahogany Pedestal Goblet On A Multi-stepped Foot  Mahogany Pedestal Goblet On A Multi-stepped FootDaryl Yeates Antiques Antique Treen Round Wood Container£35.00 $45.12   €41.71 Antique Treen Round Wood ContainerYore Antiques 19thC Finely Carved Black Forest Dog Tobacco Jar  19thC Finely Carved Black Forest Dog Tobacco JarHarrington Antiques Flour Bin£130 $167.58   €154.92 Flour BinMouse House Antiques
Early Nineteenth Century Oak Spoon Rack£365 $470.52   €434.97 Early Nineteenth Century Oak Spoon RackAnthony House Antiques Antique Victorian Campaign Treen Boot Jack  Antique Victorian Campaign Treen Boot JackPareglio & Ayres Antiques A Large Sycamore Dairy Bowl.  A Large Sycamore Dairy Bowl.Anthony House Antiques 19thc. Elm Dough Bowl  19thc. Elm Dough BowlPiers Pisani Antiques
Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon  Welsh Fruitwood LovespoonHavard And Havard Victorian Coin Tray£45 $58.01   €53.63 Victorian Coin TrayCourtyard Antiques A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cawl Spoon.  A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cawl Spoon.Anthony House Antiques English Dough Bowl£90 $116.02   €107.25 English Dough BowlArundel Eccentrics
Tiny Antique Stained Pine Money Box Stool Treen  Tiny Antique Stained Pine Money Box Stool TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Early 19thC Welsh Sycamore Oatcake Peel  Early 19thC Welsh Sycamore Oatcake PeelWelsh Vernacular Antiques Richly Patinated Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon  Richly Patinated Welsh Fruitwood LovespoonHavard And Havard Initialled Welsh Fruitwood Lovespoon  Initialled Welsh Fruitwood LovespoonHavard And Havard