19th Century Antique Treen

Found 1249 For Sale and Sold    ( 271 for sale  978 sold )  
Early Tunbridgeware Pin Wheel,Brighton C.1820  Early Tunbridgeware Pin Wheel,'Brighton' C.1820Goodwin Antiques Georgian Mahogany Bottle Coaster  Georgian Mahogany Bottle CoasterWalton House Antiques Pair Of Treen Wig Or Hat Stands£125 $161.14   €148.96 Pair Of Treen Wig Or Hat StandsMichael Armson Antiques Ltd Treen 19th Century Antique Boxwood Spice Tower   Treen 19th Century Antique Boxwood Spice Tower Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
19th Century Treen Syacamore String Box£200 $257.82   €238.34 19th Century Treen Syacamore String BoxWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) A 19th Century Sycamore Cream Skimmer£105 $135.36   €125.13 A 19th Century Sycamore Cream SkimmerAnthony House Antiques Rare Artist Lay Figure Victorian Pine C1890£295 $380.28   €351.55 Rare Artist Lay Figure Victorian Pine C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Wooden Horse Sweden 19th Century£475 $612.32   €566.06 Wooden Horse Sweden 19th CenturyNewsum Antiques
Primative Antique Fruitwood   Plate Pail.£125 $161.14   €148.96 Primative Antique Fruitwood Plate Pail.Michael Allcroft Antiques Welsh Oak Spoon Rack & Ten Sycamore Cawl Spoons  Welsh Oak Spoon Rack & Ten Sycamore Cawl SpoonsHavard And Havard Treen.19th Cent. Turned Wood Pestle And Mortar£28 $36.09   €33.37 Treen.19th Cent. Turned Wood Pestle And MortarChapman Antiques 19th Cent. Turned Wood Lemon Squeezer£75 $96.68   €89.38 19th Cent. Turned Wood Lemon SqueezerChapman Antiques
Antique Black Forest Carved Pocket Watch Stand  Antique Black Forest Carved Pocket Watch StandWoodbridge Antiques French Ormolu Decanter Coasters, Pair, 23cm £285 $367.39   €339.63 French Ormolu Decanter Coasters, Pair, 23cm Jacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Folk Art Jig Doll Antique 19th Century Carved Prim£385 $496.3   €458.8 Folk Art Jig Doll Antique 19th Century Carved PrimFrogabilia Pine Artists Lay Figure Antique 19th C £2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 Pine Artists Lay Figure Antique 19th C Frogabilia
3 19th Century Sycamore Plates£145 each $186.92   €172.8 3 19th Century Sycamore PlatesAnthony House Antiques Sycamore Shallow Platter£175 $225.59   €208.55 Sycamore Shallow PlatterAnthony House Antiques Set Of 3 Antique Tribal Vases, Indian, Hardwood£725 $934.6   €863.98 Set Of 3 Antique Tribal Vases, Indian, HardwoodLondon Fine Antiques Foudroyant Oak Gavel£65 $83.79   €77.46 Foudroyant Oak GavelCocknbull Collectables
A Good Early 19th Century Yew Wood Love Spoon£795 $1024.83   €947.4 A Good Early 19th Century Yew Wood Love SpoonNewsum Antiques Trio Of Antique Peasant Bowls, Indian, Hand Carved£295 $380.28   €351.55 Trio Of Antique Peasant Bowls, Indian, Hand CarvedLondon Fine Antiques Primitive Welsh Cawl Spoon Rack C1860  Primitive Welsh Cawl Spoon Rack C1860Welsh Vernacular Antiques Vintage 19th Century French Hat Block Shop Display  Vintage 19th Century French Hat Block Shop DisplayElmgarden
A Brass Bound Wooden Planter   A Brass Bound Wooden Planter Elmgarden Treen Mahogany Magnum Wine Bottle Coaster£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Treen Mahogany Magnum Wine Bottle CoasterLeslie And Baggott Large Dairy Bowl£475 $612.32   €566.06 Large Dairy BowlNewsum Antiques Picture Framers Moulds  £375 $483.41   €446.89 Picture Framers Moulds Newsum Antiques