Mid Victorian Antique Silver Plated

Found 317 For Sale and Sold    ( 70 for sale  247 sold )  
Unusual Egg Cruet / Egg Cups - Silver Plate C.1890  Unusual Egg Cruet / Egg Cups - Silver Plate C.1890Puckerings Antiques Victorian Plated Champagne Bottle Coaster£48 $61.94   €57.15 Victorian Plated Champagne Bottle CoasterChapman Antiques Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Coasters  Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated CoastersKingsdown Antiques Pair Of Victorian Sheffield Plated Coasters  Pair Of Victorian Sheffield Plated CoastersKingsdown Antiques
Elkington Three-Piece Silver Plated Tea Set  Elkington Three-Piece Silver Plated Tea SetKingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Cake Basket, Circa 1870  Victorian Silver Plated Cake Basket, Circa 1870Kingsdown Antiques Antique English Oak And Silver Plate Butter Dish £135 $174.2   €160.73 Antique English Oak And Silver Plate Butter Dish Puckerings Antiques Novelty / Figural Dog Cruet In Silver Plate - 1871  Novelty / Figural Dog Cruet In Silver Plate - 1871Puckerings Antiques
Large Antique Silver Plated Tray  Large Antique Silver Plated TrayBarnhill Trading Co. Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Candlesticks  Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated CandlesticksKingsdown Antiques Unusual Elkington Breakfast / Serving Dish - 1875  Unusual Elkington Breakfast / Serving Dish - 1875Puckerings Antiques Antique Silver Candelabra / Now Sold£1450 $1871.08   €1726.37 Antique Silver Candelabra / Now SoldRoger Grimes Antiques
English Entree Dishes By Elkington And Co. - 1862  English Entree Dishes By Elkington And Co. - 1862Puckerings Antiques Grand Silver Plate Serving Tray - Ferns C.1875£730 $941.99   €869.14 Grand Silver Plate Serving Tray - Ferns C.1875Puckerings Antiques Pair Tiffany & Co. Soldered Silver Pepperettes  Pair Tiffany & Co. Soldered Silver PepperettesThe Fancy Fox Wine Cooler In Silver Plate By Elkington - 1879  Wine Cooler In Silver Plate By Elkington - 1879Puckerings Antiques
Antique English Silver Plate Salver / Tray C.1860  Antique English Silver Plate Salver / Tray C.1860Puckerings Antiques EPNS Samovar On Stand£490 $632.3   €583.39 EPNS Samovar On StandGeorgian Antiques Claret Jug £395 $509.71   €470.29 Claret Jug Puckerings Antiques Cut Crystal And Silver Plate Biscuit Box C.1870£795 $1025.87   €946.53 Cut Crystal And Silver Plate Biscuit Box C.1870Puckerings Antiques
Silver Plate Coffee Pot£120 $154.85   €142.87 Silver Plate Coffee PotAntiques At The Mill Stunning Victorian Silver Plated Egg Cruet£195 $251.63   €232.17 Stunning Victorian Silver Plated Egg CruetSilver Salvo Victorian Silver Plated Novelty Cruet, Circa 1869  Victorian Silver Plated Novelty Cruet, Circa 1869Kingsdown Antiques English Silver Plated 12" Salver / Tray Dated 1862  English Silver Plated 12" Salver / Tray Dated 1862Puckerings Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated Menu Holder, Circa 1860  Victorian Silver Plated Menu Holder, Circa 1860Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Centre Piece   Victorian Centre Piece Walcot And Co Ice Bucket - Classical Figures On Horse Back £265 $341.96   €315.51 Ice Bucket - Classical Figures On Horse Back Puckerings Antiques Antique Wine / Champagne Bottle Holder C.1890£170 $219.37   €202.4 Antique Wine / Champagne Bottle Holder C.1890Puckerings Antiques