Mid Victorian Antique Silver Plated

Found 317 For Sale and Sold    ( 70 for sale  247 sold )  
Late Victorian Oak/Silver Plated Water Jug C1890s£220.00 $283.6   €262.17 Late Victorian Oak/Silver Plated Water Jug C1890sSpencer James Antiques Antique English Novelty Table Salt - Cherub  Antique English Novelty Table Salt - CherubPuckerings Antiques Victorian Cut Glass & Silver Plate Biscuit Barrel£180 $232.04   €214.51 Victorian Cut Glass & Silver Plate Biscuit BarrelChurch Street Antiques Superb Victorian Silver Plated Biscuit Box, 1866  Superb Victorian Silver Plated Biscuit Box, 1866Kingsdown Antiques
Antique Folding Biscuit Box By Fenton Bros. C.1880  Antique Folding Biscuit Box By Fenton Bros. C.1880Puckerings Antiques Elkington Silver Plated Entree / Serving Dishes   Elkington Silver Plated Entree / Serving Dishes Puckerings Antiques Plated Bread Basket By Atkin Brothers - Reg 1873  Plated Bread Basket By Atkin Brothers - Reg 1873Puckerings Antiques Antique Coloured Glass Decanters In Stand C.1890  Antique Coloured Glass Decanters In Stand C.1890Puckerings Antiques
Novelty "Biscuits" Box By Deykin & Sons In Plate£1995 $2571.75   €2377.44 Novelty "Biscuits" Box By Deykin & Sons In PlatePuckerings Antiques Late Georgian Wine Funnel£125 $161.14   €148.96 Late Georgian Wine FunnelChapman Antiques High Quality Victorian Silver Plated Salver£100 $128.91   €119.17 High Quality Victorian Silver Plated SalverCarse Antiques Halls Patent Hip Flask By James Dixon And Sons  Hall's Patent Hip Flask By James Dixon And SonsPuckerings Antiques
Pair 19th C. Old Sheffield Silver Plated Coasters  Pair 19th C. Old Sheffield Silver Plated CoastersStudio RT Ltd 19th Century Silver Plated Wine  Port Cradle  19th Century Silver Plated Wine Port CradleHobson May Collection Elkington Mason & Co Double Pen Tray, Circa 1860  Elkington Mason & Co Double Pen Tray, Circa 1860Kingsdown Antiques Etched Cranberry Claret Jug (PT&Co) C1862  Etched Cranberry Claret Jug (PT&Co) C1862Antique Ethos
Set Of 3 Graduated Dixon Silver-Plate Meat Covers£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Set Of 3 Graduated Dixon Silver-Plate Meat CoversSlades Antiques Victorian Nautilus Shell Spoon Warmer, Circa 1880  Victorian Nautilus Shell Spoon Warmer, Circa 1880Kingsdown Antiques Antique Fern Engraved Revolving Breakfast Dish  Antique Fern Engraved Revolving Breakfast DishPuckerings Antiques Victorian Bachelors Tea And Coffee Set, Circa 1870  Victorian Bachelors Tea And Coffee Set, Circa 1870Kingsdown Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated Tea Kettle On Stand  Victorian Silver Plated Tea Kettle On StandKingsdown Antiques Unusual Oak And Silver Plate Wine Cooler C.1900  Unusual Oak And Silver Plate Wine Cooler C.1900Puckerings Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Ink Stand, 1868  Victorian Silver Plated Ink Stand, 1868Kingsdown Antiques Pair Of 19th Cent.plated Bottle Coasters£52 $67.03   €61.97 Pair Of 19th Cent.plated Bottle CoastersChapman Antiques
Pair Of Silver Plate Chocolate Pots  Pair Of Silver Plate Chocolate PotsTwojays Corner Antiques Set Salvers By Thomas Bradbury - 1870 - Ferns  Set Salvers By Thomas Bradbury - 1870 - FernsPuckerings Antiques Rare Silver Plate And Enamel Biscuit Box C.1875  Rare Silver Plate And Enamel Biscuit Box C.1875Puckerings Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Cream And Sugar Set, 1870  Victorian Silver Plated Cream And Sugar Set, 1870Kingsdown Antiques