Late 19th Century Railwayana

Found 118 For Sale and Sold    ( 34 for sale  84 sold )  
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GNR Refreshment Dept. Peterborough Tea Pot £65 $83.79   €77.46 GNR Refreshment Dept. Peterborough Tea Pot Recess Antiques Great Northern Railway Dining Car Tea Pot£70 $90.24   €83.42 Great Northern Railway Dining Car Tea PotRecess Antiques Great Eastern Railway Mirror (GER)£135 $174.03   €160.88 Great Eastern Railway Mirror (GER)Recess Antiques West Riding And Grimsby Railway Bridge Plate 1£180 $232.04   €214.51 West Riding And Grimsby Railway Bridge Plate 1Recess Antiques
London & North Western Railway Beware Of Trains£275 $354.5   €327.72 London & North Western Railway Beware Of TrainsRecess Antiques GW&LNWJtRys Fasten Gate Notice£225 $290.05   €268.13 GW&LNWJtRys Fasten Gate NoticeRecess Antiques L&NWR Co Bridge Plate No. 17£120 $154.69   €143 L&NWR Co Bridge Plate No. 17Recess Antiques Yorkshire North Riding Bridge Plate 490£38 $48.99   €45.28 Yorkshire North Riding Bridge Plate 490Recess Antiques
19th Century Beech Wood Station Porters Barrow  19th Century Beech Wood Station Porters BarrowWalton House Antiques ASRS Fob From Scottish Railway Strike 1890-91£120 $154.69   €143 ASRS Fob From Scottish Railway Strike 1890-91Recess Antiques GNR Great Northern Railway Guards Whistle£60 $77.35   €71.5 GNR Great Northern Railway Guard's WhistleRecess Antiques Great Eastern Railway Advertising Vesta£110 $141.8   €131.09 Great Eastern Railway Advertising VestaRecess Antiques
North Eastern Railway Directors Free Travel Pass£110 $141.8   €131.09 North Eastern Railway Director's Free Travel PassRecess Antiques L&NWR Horse Bridle Brass£80 $103.13   €95.34 L&NWR Horse Bridle BrassRecess Antiques Victorian GWR Pewter Half Pint Tankard£55 $70.9   €65.54 Victorian GWR Pewter Half Pint TankardRecess Antiques Great Eastern Railway Guards Bone Whistle£65 $83.79   €77.46 Great Eastern Railway Guards Bone WhistleRecess Antiques
N.E.R. Bone Whistle£65 $83.79   €77.46 N.E.R. Bone WhistleRecess Antiques A Draughtsmans Drawing Of A Railway Carriage £290 $373.84   €345.59 A Draughtsman's Drawing Of A Railway Carriage Rob Hall Antiques Pair Of Antique Cast Iron Railway Signal Finials£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Pair Of Antique Cast Iron Railway Signal FinialsSlades Antiques Cast Iron Quarter Mile Railway Marker  Cast Iron Quarter Mile Railway MarkerTwojays Corner Antiques
London & North Western Railway Cast Iron Sign  London & North Western Railway Cast Iron SignDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Great Eastern Railway Sign  Great Eastern Railway SignPrometheus Antiques Midland Railway 1899 Cast Iron Sign  Midland Railway 1899 Cast Iron SignTwojays Corner Antiques Pair Railway Bollards  Pair Railway BollardsNethermill Antiques
Chest Of Drawers Railway GER Luggage Tickets C1890£595 $767.01   €709.06 Chest Of Drawers Railway GER Luggage Tickets C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors GWR Linemans Spirit Level  GWR Linemans Spirit LevelTwojays Corner Antiques 19th Century Railway Sign  19th Century Railway SignHobson May Collection Late 19th Century Railway Sign  Late 19th Century Railway SignHobson May Collection
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