18th Century Antiques

Found 25199 For Sale and Sold    ( 4972 for sale )  
Fine Georgian Mahogany Chest  Fine Georgian Mahogany ChestNethermill Antiques Georgian Night Table£220 $277.82   €266.75 Georgian Night TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Eight Day Longcase Clock By W. Simcock Of Presott£6800 $8587.04   €8245 Eight Day Longcase Clock By W. Simcock Of PresottChurch Street Antiques Georgian Mahogany Bachelors Chest  Georgian Mahogany Bachelors ChestWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
18th Century Small Oak Chest   18th Century Small Oak Chest FB Antiques Italian Polychrome Carved Pricket Wall Light C1800£1100.00 $1389.08   €1333.75 Italian Polychrome Carved Pricket Wall Light C1800Doe And Hope Georgian Serpentine Fronted Chest Of Drawers£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Georgian Serpentine Fronted Chest Of DrawersHeritage Argyle Antiques Early Georgian Japanned Corner Cabinet£1650 $2083.62   €2000.63 Early Georgian Japanned Corner CabinetHeritage Argyle Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Cupboard£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Georgian Mahogany CupboardHeritage Argyle Antiques Georgian Mahogany Bird Cage Table£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Georgian Mahogany Bird Cage TableHeritage Argyle Antiques Narrow Georgian Mahogany Shelves C.1810.£545 $688.23   €660.81 Narrow Georgian Mahogany Shelves C.1810.Collinge Antiques Welsh Longcase Clock By Watkin Owen Of Llanrwst.£3495 $4413.49   €4237.69 Welsh Longcase Clock By Watkin Owen Of Llanrwst.Collinge Antiques
Georgian 1800s Chest£350 $441.98   €424.38 Georgian 1800s ChestYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Fine Pair Early Geo III Bell Metal Candlesticks  Fine Pair Early Geo III Bell Metal CandlesticksDomani Antique And Contemporary Good Pair Geo II Brass Candlesticks  Good Pair Geo II Brass CandlesticksDomani Antique And Contemporary George III Mahogany Bureau Bookcase  George III Mahogany Bureau BookcaseFB Antiques
Antique English Painted Chest Of Drawers  Antique English Painted Chest Of DrawersHubert Antiques Rare George III Mahogany Bow Front Wardrobe£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Rare George III Mahogany Bow Front WardrobeGeorgian Antiques George 3rd Small Cuban Mahogany Tea Table£750 $947.1   €909.38 George 3rd Small Cuban Mahogany Tea TableCarse Antiques And Restoration Fine George 2nd  Walnut Dressing Mirror£595 $751.37   €721.44 Fine George 2nd Walnut Dressing MirrorCarse Antiques And Restoration
Late Georgian Elm Farmhouse Table£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Late Georgian Elm Farmhouse TableSturmans Antiques Ltd  George III Mahogany Tripod Table£695 $877.65   €842.69 George III Mahogany Tripod TableJill And Stephen Kember Decorative Antiques Scottish Silver Serving Spoon, RC Edinburgh C1790£65 $82.08   €78.81 Scottish Silver Serving Spoon, RC Edinburgh C1790Deveron Jewellers Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1790£150 $189.42   €181.88 Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1790Deveron Jewellers
Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1800£150 $189.42   €181.88 Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1800Deveron Jewellers Pair Antique George III Mahogany Side Chairs  Pair Antique George III Mahogany Side ChairsAntique Furniture Direct Glasgow School Celtic Wall Mirror   Glasgow School Celtic Wall Mirror Levels Antiques Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1805£150 $189.42   €181.88 Pair Scottish Silver Serving Spoons Edinburgh 1805Deveron Jewellers