17th Century Antiques

Found 3124 For Sale and Sold    ( 756 for sale )  
Antique Jacobean Oak Refectory Table, C 1620£3250 $4132.7   €3926 Antique Jacobean Oak Refectory Table, C 1620Belvoir Antiques Rare Charles II Spice Chest Original Paint C1670£1450 $1843.82   €1751.6 Rare Charles II Spice Chest Original Paint C1670Pre-1800 Antiques Early Oak Kist£1195 $1519.56   €1443.56 Early Oak KistWitch Antiques Fine 17th Century Sculpture Of John The Baptist£1260 $1602.22   €1522.08 Fine 17th Century Sculpture Of John The BaptistPre-1800 Antiques
 David Teniers The Younger (Aft)17thc Tavern Interior£4250 $5404.3   €5134 David Teniers The Younger (Aft)17thc Tavern InteriorMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Charles II Oak Panel Chest£995 $1265.24   €1201.96 Charles II Oak Panel ChestKernow Furniture Hyacinthe Rigaud 17th Century Oil Painting£3750 $4768.5   €4530 Hyacinthe Rigaud 17th Century Oil PaintingTyne Antiques Rare Original 17th Century Oak Iron Bound Box£850 $1080.86   €1026.8 Rare Original 17th Century Oak Iron Bound BoxPre-1800 Antiques
Rare 17th Century Oak Joint Stool With Drawer£1950 $2479.62   €2355.6 Rare 17th Century Oak Joint Stool With DrawerPre-1800 Antiques Fine 17th Century Carved Oak Head Of Bachuss£795 $1010.92   €960.36 Fine 17th Century Carved Oak Head Of BachussPre-1800 Antiques A Good 17th Century Carved Walnut Portrait Panel £325 $413.27   €392.6 A Good 17th Century Carved Walnut Portrait Panel Pre-1800 Antiques Jacobean Carved Oak Hall Chairs£900.00 $1144.44   €1087.2 Jacobean Carved Oak Hall ChairsRetrovia
17th Century High Back Oak Armchair£975 $1239.81   €1177.8 17th Century High Back Oak ArmchairTom Scott Antiques Antique Vergers Table Top Desk, English, 1700£2250 $2861.1   €2718 Antique Verger's Table Top Desk, English, 1700London Fine Antiques 17th Century Oak Coffer £445 $565.86   €537.56 17th Century Oak Coffer Mabel Rose Interiors Pair Of Oak Coffin Stools Circa Late 17th Century£3995 $5080.04   €4825.96 Pair Of Oak Coffin Stools Circa Late 17th CenturySovereign Antiques
Stunning 17th Century Inlaid Oak Spice Chest C1650£2250 $2861.1   €2718 Stunning 17th Century Inlaid Oak Spice Chest C1650Pre-1800 Antiques 17thc Three Panelled Oak Coffer Planks Sides£625 $794.75   €755 17thc Three Panelled Oak Coffer Planks SidesBay Hall Antiques 17thc Three Panelled Top Coffer, Carved Front£850 $1080.86   €1026.8 17thc Three Panelled Top Coffer, Carved FrontBay Hall Antiques 17thc Three Panelled Oak Coffer Carved Panels£780 $991.85   €942.24 17thc Three Panelled Oak Coffer Carved PanelsBay Hall Antiques
17thc Oak Coffer Four Panelled Top And Front£695 $883.76   €839.56 17thc Oak Coffer Four Panelled Top And FrontBay Hall Antiques 17thc Plank Top Coffer Carved Lozenge Panels£680 $864.69   €821.44 17thc Plank Top Coffer Carved Lozenge PanelsBay Hall Antiques Charles I Oak Chest£1995 $2536.84   €2409.96 Charles I Oak ChestKernow Furniture Large Antique Wooden Burmese Buddha Statue£3285 $4177.21   €3968.28 Large Antique Wooden Burmese Buddha StatueFerreira Antiques
Late 17th Century Walnut Bureau V275£2450.00 $3115.42   €2959.6 Late 17th Century Walnut Bureau V275Prichard Antiques Good 17th Century Coffer Oak£450 $572.22   €543.6 Good 17th Century Coffer OakWickersley Antiques A Late 17th Century Yorkshire / Derbyshire Chair£445.00 $565.86   €537.56 A Late 17th Century Yorkshire / Derbyshire ChairElephantiques Antique Flemish Biblical Scene Painting £10300 $13097.48   €12442.4 Antique Flemish Biblical Scene Painting Parino Mercato Antiquario