Antique Pans and Cauldrons

Found 642 For Sale and Sold    ( 229 for sale  413 sold )  
Five Piece Picquot Ware Tea Set  Five Piece Picquot Ware Tea SetTwojays Corner Antiques Victorian Cast Iron Saucepan With Lid   Victorian Cast Iron Saucepan With Lid Twojays Corner Antiques Vintage Picnic Thermos Flask£68 $85.96   €82.06 Vintage Picnic Thermos FlaskEclectic Antiques Early 19th Century Brass Cooking Pot  Early 19th Century Brass Cooking PotElmgarden
Antique Large Polished Lidded Pan With Swing Handl£125 $158.01   €150.85 Antique Large Polished Lidded Pan With Swing HandlRams Head Antiques Decorative French Kitchen Wrought Iron Pot Rack£200 $252.82   €241.36 Decorative French Kitchen Wrought Iron Pot RackPyrontique Copper Chocolate Pot.  C.1800.£245 $309.7   €295.67 Copper Chocolate Pot. C.1800.Malcolm Eglin Antiques Large Victorian Copper Pan.£295 $372.91   €356.01 Large Victorian Copper Pan.Malcolm Eglin Antiques
A Victorian Brass Chestnut Roaster & Locking Lid£90.00 $113.77   €108.61 A Victorian Brass Chestnut Roaster & Locking LidHarveys Antiques Quality Georgian Copper Saucepan With Lid£245 $309.7   €295.67 Quality Georgian Copper Saucepan With LidGraver Antiques Decorative Objects Large Quality Antique 2 Handled Copper Pan£395 $499.32   €476.69 Large Quality Antique 2 Handled Copper PanGraver Antiques Decorative Objects 19thc Copper Saucepan  19thc Copper SaucepanBay Hall Antiques
Georgian Bronze Sideboard Pot£65 $82.17   €78.44 Georgian Bronze Sideboard PotChapman Antiques Large Benham & Froud Copper Raosting Pan£295 $372.91   €356.01 Large Benham & Froud Copper Raosting PanCarse Antiques A Large Heavy Victorian Copper Pan£135 $170.65   €162.92 A Large Heavy Victorian Copper PanMalcolm Eglin Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper & Brass Pot Pourri  Arts & Crafts Copper & Brass Pot PourriLevels Antiques
Arts And Crafts Pewter Twin Handled Bowl£80.00 $101.13   €96.54 Arts And Crafts Pewter Twin Handled BowlYore Antiques Fine Quality Victorian Copper Lidded Cooking Pot  Fine Quality Victorian Copper Lidded Cooking PotPrometheus Antiques Early 19th Century Dutch Copper Coffee Pot£145 $183.29   €174.99 Early 19th Century Dutch Copper Coffee PotCarse Antiques Fine George III Cast Bronze Cream Pan  Fine George III Cast Bronze Cream PanSturmans Antiques Ltd
19th Century Tall Antique Iron Pan Stand   19th Century Tall Antique Iron Pan Stand Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Rare 19th Century Copper & Brass Turbot Kettle£850 $1074.49   €1025.78 Rare 19th Century Copper & Brass Turbot KettleAntiques On Sea 19th Century Brass & Copper Riveted Planter  19th Century Brass & Copper Riveted PlanterHobson May Collection Pair Of Benson Tureens  Pair Of Benson TureensArt Furniture
Glasgow School M Gilmour Brass Planter C1900  Glasgow School M Gilmour Brass Planter C1900Levels Antiques Set Of French Graduated Copper Saucepans£125.00 $158.01   €150.85 Set Of French Graduated Copper SaucepansMelbourne Antiques Vintage, Jardiniere, Plant Stand, English, Copper£165 $208.58   €199.12 Vintage, Jardiniere, Plant Stand, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques French Enamel, 3 Canister Soap Dish Laundry Set  French Enamel, 3 Canister Soap Dish Laundry SetElmgarden