Antique Pans and Cauldrons

Found 642 For Sale and Sold    ( 229 for sale  413 sold )  
Brass Victorian Kitchen Scales And Weights£95.00 $120.09   €114.65 Brass Victorian Kitchen Scales And WeightsMelbourne Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper & Enamel Lidded Pot.£120 $151.69   €144.82 Arts & Crafts Copper & Enamel Lidded Pot.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Art Nouveau Copper Dust Pan And Brush£37.00 $46.77   €44.65 Art Nouveau Copper Dust Pan And BrushYore Antiques Antique Edwardian Copper Lidded Casserole Pot£48.00 $60.68   €57.93 Antique Edwardian Copper Lidded Casserole PotYore Antiques
Antique Edwardian Copper Colander£46.00 $58.15   €55.51 Antique Edwardian Copper ColanderYore Antiques Antique Victorian Porcelain Preserve Pot.£20.00 $25.28   €24.14 Antique Victorian Porcelain Preserve Pot.Yore Antiques Unusual Large Brass Jardiniere£695.00 $878.55   €838.73 Unusual Large Brass JardiniereAthey Antiques Early Victorian Dovetailed Copper Pan. C. 1850£135 $170.65   €162.92 Early Victorian Dovetailed Copper Pan. C. 1850Carse Antiques And Restoration
Heavy Quality Edwardian Antique Copper Vessel.  Heavy Quality Edwardian Antique Copper Vessel.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Pan Stand£185 $233.86   €223.26 Pan StandCourtyard Antiques 19th Century Copper Mould Pan. C. 1870£75 $94.81   €90.51 19th Century Copper Mould Pan. C. 1870Carse Antiques And Restoration Georgian Pewter Pepper Pot£20 $25.28   €24.14 Georgian Pewter Pepper PotWestbank Antiques
Arts And Crafts Galleon Viking Ship Jardiniere Planter  Arts And Crafts Galleon Viking Ship Jardiniere PlanterLevels Antiques English 19th Century Antique Copper Cooking Vessel  English 19th Century Antique Copper Cooking VesselMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Copper Lidded 2 Handled Pan  Antique Copper Lidded 2 Handled PanBarnhill Trading Co. Large Copper Saucepan£155 $195.94   €187.05 Large Copper SaucepanCourtyard Antiques
Antique Victorian Copper Preserves Jam Pan  Antique Victorian Copper Preserves Jam PanThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Large 19th Century Antique Brass Pan  Large 19th Century Antique Brass PanMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd 19th Century Dutch Cache Pot Wine Cooler.   19th Century Dutch Cache Pot Wine Cooler. Prichard Antiques Massive Copper Pan By Leon Jaeggi Of London  Massive Copper Pan By Leon Jaeggi Of LondonBaildon Furniture Company Ltd
Large French Copper Cauldron Log Bin Planter  Large French Copper Cauldron Log Bin PlanterYola Gray Antiques Very Attractive Victorian Copper Jardiniere.c 1900£155 $195.94   €187.05 Very Attractive Victorian Copper Jardiniere.c 1900Malcolm Eglin Antiques Benham And Froud Copper Crepe / Saute Pan£65.00 $82.17   €78.44 Benham And Froud Copper Crepe / Saute PanParade Antiques Rare 17thC Wrought Iron Cauldron Ladle  Rare 17thC Wrought Iron Cauldron LadleWelsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture
Archibold Knox Pewter Coffee Pot£595 $752.14   €718.05 Archibold Knox Pewter Coffee PotSturmans Antiques Ltd C1900 Copper Milk Churn£135 $170.65   €162.92 C1900 Copper Milk ChurnWhere Memories Meet Large 19th C Copper Pot£49 $61.94   €59.13 Large 19th C Copper PotWhere Memories Meet Art DecoChrome & Phenolic Bakelite Coffee Pot USA£45 $56.88   €54.31 Art DecoChrome & Phenolic Bakelite Coffee Pot USAGifford Antiques