European Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 126 For Sale and Sold    ( 27 for sale  99 sold )  
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Napoleonic Flintlock Newland Style Musket£1995 $2519.29   €2418.94 Napoleonic Flintlock Newland Style MusketCheltenham House Antiques Antique Articulated Suit Of Armour£3250 $4104.1   €3940.63 Antique Articulated Suit Of ArmourChristopher Walker Antiques 1ww German Stormtroopers Iron Skull£145 $183.11   €175.81 1ww German Stormtroopers Iron SkullSovereign Antiques Rare Pair Of Norwegian Percussion Pistols£2450 $3093.86   €2970.63 Rare Pair Of Norwegian Percussion PistolsSovereign Antiques
Main Gauche Sword Breaker £1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 Main Gauche Sword Breaker Vladds Interiors Flintlock Pistol Continental£595 $751.37   €721.44 Flintlock Pistol ContinentalSovereign Antiques Miniture Working Fob Watch Pistol£220 $277.82   €266.75 Miniture Working Fob Watch PistolSaltwood Antiques Pine Fire Pistol £330 $416.72   €400.13 Pine Fire Pistol Smiths Vintage
Revolver 12 Mm Pin Fire Military Circa 1850’s£650 $820.82   €788.13 Revolver 12 Mm Pin Fire Military Circa 1850’sSovereign Antiques Pin Fire Revolver£395 $498.81   €478.94 Pin Fire RevolverSovereign Antiques European Briquette Sword£130 $164.16   €157.63 European Briquette SwordSaltwood Antiques 18 Century Hunting Dagger £440 $555.63   €533.5 18 Century Hunting Dagger Smiths Vintage
18ct Ladies Dagger £300 $378.84   €363.75 18ct Ladies Dagger Smiths Vintage Gilt Renaissance Style Dagger £280 $353.58   €339.5 Gilt Renaissance Style Dagger Smiths Vintage Briquet Brass Hilted Sidearm£130 $164.16   €157.63 Briquet Brass Hilted SidearmSaltwood Antiques Pin Fire Revolver Double Action£395 $498.81   €478.94 Pin Fire Revolver Double ActionSovereign Antiques
Pistol Pin Fire £300 $378.84   €363.75 Pistol Pin Fire Sovereign Antiques Continental Hunting Sword / Cutlass £560 $707.17   €679 Continental Hunting Sword / Cutlass Smiths Arms And Armour Percussion Pistol With Bayonet £350 $441.98   €424.38 Percussion Pistol With Bayonet CAG Militaria Bayonet Pistol Project £285 $359.9   €345.56 Bayonet Pistol Project CAG Militaria
Manton Of London Pocket Pistol£295 $372.53   €357.69 Manton Of London Pocket PistolCAG Militaria Austrian Officers Percussion Pistol£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Austrian Officers Percussion PistolSovereign Antiques  Blunderbuss Converted To Percussion £1450 $1831.06   €1758.13 Blunderbuss Converted To Percussion CAG Militaria Fine Quality Duelling Pistol£3500 $4419.8   €4243.75 Fine Quality Duelling PistolSovereign Antiques
15th C German Hunting Knife (Bauernwehr)£475 $599.83   €575.94 15th C German Hunting Knife (Bauernwehr)Forte Antiques York Late 16th Century Pair Of Knights Armour Stirrups£1825 $2304.61   €2212.81 Late 16th Century Pair Of Knights Armour StirrupsFerreira Antiques 18th C. Coat Of Arms£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 18th C. Coat Of ArmsDubinins Antiques And Atelier 1796 Sword £190 $239.93   €230.38 1796 Sword Smiths Vintage
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