Wood Antique Chess Sets

Found 49 For Sale and Sold    ( 3 for sale  46 sold )  
Weighted Boxwood Chess Set With Storage Box £285 $360.67   €343.54 Weighted Boxwood Chess Set With Storage Box Puckerings Antiques Antique English Wooden Chess / Draughts Board£265 $335.36   €319.43 Antique English Wooden Chess / Draughts BoardPuckerings Antiques Large Folding Backgammon / Chess Board C.1900£595 $752.97   €717.21 Large Folding Backgammon / Chess Board C.1900Puckerings Antiques Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set C.1910£265 $335.36   €319.43 Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set C.1910Puckerings Antiques
Carved Regency Style Chess Set In Boxwood & Ebony£210 $265.76   €253.13 Carved Regency Style Chess Set In Boxwood & EbonyPuckerings Antiques Large Folding Backgammon / Chess Board C.1900£595 $752.97   €717.21 Large Folding Backgammon / Chess Board C.1900Puckerings Antiques Cased Boxwood Chess Set, Circa 1920  Cased Boxwood Chess Set, Circa 1920Kingsdown Antiques Antique Boxwood Staunton Chess Set  Antique Boxwood Staunton Chess SetPuckerings Antiques
Boxed Staunton Style Chess Set, Circa 1920  Boxed Staunton Style Chess Set, Circa 1920Kingsdown Antiques Edwardian Stained Box Wood Chess Set  Edwardian Stained Box Wood Chess SetKingsdown Antiques Games Box - Backgammon, Chess, Draughts C.1890  Games Box - Backgammon, Chess, Draughts C.1890Puckerings Antiques Tournament Size Antique Staunton Chess Set£565 $715.01   €681.05 Tournament Size Antique Staunton Chess SetPuckerings Antiques
Antique Games Box - Chess & Draughts Set C.1880£665 $841.56   €801.59 Antique Games Box - Chess & Draughts Set C.1880Puckerings Antiques Edwardian Travelling Chess Set£145 $183.5   €174.78 Edwardian Travelling Chess SetMarket Square Antiques Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set £395 $499.87   €476.13 Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set Puckerings Antiques Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set£285 $360.67   €343.54 Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess SetPuckerings Antiques
Antique English Staunton Chess Set £395 $499.87   €476.13 Antique English Staunton Chess Set Puckerings Antiques Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess Set£295 $373.32   €355.59 Antique English Weighted Boxwood Chess SetPuckerings Antiques Antique French Chess / French Checkers Board C1860£395 $499.87   €476.13 Antique French Chess / French Checkers Board C1860Puckerings Antiques Antique English Jaques Staunton Chess Set C.1900£395 $499.87   €476.13 Antique English Jaques Staunton Chess Set C.1900Puckerings Antiques
Antique English Mahogany Cased Travel Chess Set£330 $417.62   €397.78 Antique English Mahogany Cased Travel Chess SetPuckerings Antiques      