Antique Sewing

Found 2172 For Sale and Sold    ( 447 for sale  1725 sold )  
Fiddle Back Mahogany Sewing Box£295 $360.93   €350.37 Fiddle Back Mahogany Sewing BoxFernyhough Antiques Regency Rosewood Ladies Work Table  Regency Rosewood Ladies Work TableCarse Antiques And Restoration Walnut Sewing/Trinket Box, Exotic Inlay£90.00 $110.12   €106.89 Walnut Sewing/Trinket Box, Exotic InlayDoe And Hope Victorian Burr Walnut Workbox, Side Tabl£995.00 $1217.38   €1181.76 Victorian Burr Walnut Workbox, Side TablPeppermill Antiques
Mahogany Pedestal Table. Work Or Sewing £595 $727.98   €706.68 Mahogany Pedestal Table. Work Or Sewing Limited Editions Regency Work Box/writing Table£650 $795.28   €772.01 Regency Work Box/writing TableBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Antique Silver Needlecase£225.00 $275.29   €267.23 Antique Silver NeedlecaseMillbrook Antiques Victorian Work Table£1450 $1774.08   €1722.17 Victorian Work TableNimbus Antiques
Late Victorian Work Table In Oak£950 $1162.33   €1128.32 Late Victorian Work Table In OakNimbus Antiques Antique Mahogany Work Table  Antique Mahogany Work TableThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Victorian Walnut Work Table  Victorian Walnut Work TableJohn Howkins Antiques Victorian Walnut Games Table/Sewing Box£895 $1095.03   €1062.99 Victorian Walnut Games Table/Sewing BoxFernyhough Antiques
Rosewood Work Table  Rosewood Work TableNethermill Antiques Antique Trumpet Shaped Workbox  Antique Trumpet Shaped WorkboxThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Walnut  Victorian Work/Games Table  Walnut Victorian Work/Games TableLimited Editions Victorian Sewing Table£245 $299.76   €290.99 Victorian Sewing TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
William IV Work Table£1575 $1927.01   €1870.63 William IV Work TableNimbus Antiques 19thC Burr Walnut Sewing Table.  19thC Burr Walnut Sewing Table.Limited Editions Inlaid Lyre End Table  Inlaid Lyre End TableJohn Howkins Antiques Stunning Rosewood Inlaid Desk£1295 $1584.43   €1538.07 Stunning Rosewood Inlaid DeskFernyhough Antiques
Vintage Solid Silver Donkey Pin Cushion£95 $116.23   €112.83 Vintage Solid Silver Donkey Pin CushionLavender Hill Antiques Oak Sewing Box Table£95 $116.23   €112.83 Oak Sewing Box TableAfonwen Antique Centre Antique Regency Sewing Dressing Table  Antique Regency Sewing Dressing TableYola Gray Antiques Burr Walnut & Inlaid Work Table£1250 $1529.38   €1484.63 Burr Walnut & Inlaid Work TablePeter J. Martin Antiques
Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Sewing Table  Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Sewing TableYola Gray Antiques 19th Century Games/Sewing Table  19th Century Games/Sewing TablePrichard Antiques Tankard Tape And Thimble Case  Tankard Tape And Thimble CaseTextiles And Stuff Walnut Needlework Table   Walnut Needlework Table Shackladys Antiques