20th Century Antique Sewing

Found 672 For Sale and Sold    ( 141 for sale  531 sold )  
Original Signed Oil Painting Thomas Faed  Original Signed Oil Painting Thomas FaedDavid Wolfenden Antiques German Silver Tatting Shuttle C1900  German Silver Tatting Shuttle C1900Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques Silver Elephant Pin Cushion 1905  Silver Elephant Pin Cushion 1905Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques Novelty Brass Mandolin Tape Measure  Novelty Brass Mandolin Tape MeasureSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
Edwardian Silver Swan Pincushion 1904  Edwardian Silver Swan Pincushion 1904Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques Silver Roller Skate Pin Cushion Birmingham 1908  Silver Roller Skate Pin Cushion Birmingham 1908Woodbridge Antiques Antique Brass Sewing Kit / Etui£45 $55.46   €53.33 Antique Brass Sewing Kit / EtuiBurnell And Rowe Novelty Drum Sewing Tape Measure  Novelty Drum Sewing Tape MeasureSylvie Collett - Sewantiques
Work Table Sewing Box Rare Art Deco Burr Walnut£595 $733.28   €705.19 Work Table Sewing Box Rare Art Deco Burr WalnutCloverleaf Home Interiors WW1 Sweetheart Pin Cushion£109.00 $134.33   €129.19 WW1 Sweetheart Pin CushionTerrier Antiques Walnut Sewing Box Chest Of Drawers  Walnut Sewing Box Chest Of DrawersArt Furniture Mauchline Ware Silver Thimble Case£65 $80.11   €77.04 Mauchline Ware Silver Thimble CasePark Lane Antiques
 Pair Of Silver Handled Shoe Horn & Button Hook  Pair Of Silver Handled Shoe Horn & Button HookWoodbridge Antiques Miniature Dutch Spinning Wheel  Miniature Dutch Spinning WheelSylvie Collett - Sewantiques Vintage Wooden Chest Of Drawers£295 $363.56   €349.63 Vintage Wooden Chest Of DrawersPeppermill Interiors Edwardian Silver Pin Cushion By Sampson Mordan (2)£265 $326.59   €314.08 Edwardian Silver Pin Cushion By Sampson Mordan (2)Osbourne Antiques
Edwardian Sampson & Mordan Silver Pin Cushion (1)£265 $326.59   €314.08 Edwardian Sampson & Mordan Silver Pin Cushion (1)Osbourne Antiques Silver Officers Cap Pin Cushion  Silver Officer's Cap Pin CushionSylvie Collett - Sewantiques 1950’s Bakelite Style Retractable Tape Measure£20 $24.65   €23.7 1950’s Bakelite Style Retractable Tape MeasureShouldham Antiques And Interiors Silver Ribbon Threader, Sampson Mordan,London 1901£75 $92.43   €88.89 Silver Ribbon Threader, Sampson Mordan,London 1901Forte Antiques York
Silver Cased Lace Needle, Francis Webb, 1919£40 $49.3   €47.41 Silver Cased Lace Needle, Francis Webb, 1919Burnell And Rowe Novelty Tape Measure Kettle  Novelty Tape Measure KettleSylvie Collett - Sewantiques George V Silver Bird Pincushion 1920  George V Silver Bird Pincushion 1920Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques Large Antique Silver Swan Pin Cushion  Large Antique Silver 'Swan' Pin CushionSturmans Antiques Ltd
Extensive Edwardian English Sewing Set  Extensive Edwardian English Sewing SetSylvie Collett - Sewantiques Silver Shoe Pincushion 1901  Silver Shoe Pincushion 1901Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques Novelty Silver Bird Pin Cushion  Novelty Silver Bird Pin CushionCoqueda Antiques Edwardian Silver Thimble£25 $30.81   €29.63 Edwardian Silver ThimbleRecess Antiques