Antique Barrister Bookcases
Found 338 For Sale and Sold ( 5 for sale 333 sold )
Oak Globe Wernicke Sectional BookcaseShackladys Antiques
Mahogany Globe Wernicke Four Section BookcasesShackladys Antiques
$995.26 €957.74
Globe Wernicke Stacking BookcaseAthey Antiques
$1439.69 €1385.41
Antique Oak Globe Wernicke Stacking BookcaseMarylebone Antiques
Pair Oak Stacking BookcasesNethermill Antiques
$744.88 €716.8
Oak Stacking Bookcase By LebusAthey Antiques
$1057.86 €1017.97
Mahogany Stacking Office Bookcase C.1920.Collinge Antiques
Superb Quality 4 Stack Mahogany Barrister BookcaseElmgarden
Mahogany Stacking Bookcase By Globe Wernicke C1910The Furniture Rooms
$657.25 €632.47
Globe Wernicke Oak Sectional Stacking BookcaseGeorgian Antiques
Pair Of Stacking Oak Bookcases By Minty C1920The Furniture Rooms
Globe Wernicke BookcaseJohn Howkins Antiques
$1064.12 €1024
Mahogany Sectional Stacking BookcaseGeorgian Antiques
$1064.12 €1024
Globe Wernicke Mahogany Sectional BookcaseGeorgian Antiques
Pair Of Oak Four Sectional BookcaseShackladys Antiques
$1245.64 €1198.68
Antique Oak Bookcase Gunn Globe Wernicke BarristerLondon Fine Antiques
Oak Stacking Barristers Bookcase Filing CabinetAntique Furniture Direct
$744.88 €716.8
Mahogany Stacking Office Bookcase C.1930.Collinge Antiques
$970.22 €933.64
Globe Wernicke Oak Sectional Stacking BookcaseGeorgian Antiques
Large Mahogany Barristers Bookcase Filing CabinetElmgarden
Near Pair Globe Wernicke Five Section BookcasesShackladys Antiques
Art Deco Golden Oak Barristers Bookcases, GunnElmgarden
6 Stacking Oak Globe Wernicke Barristers BookcaseElmgarden
Unusual Mahogany 5 Stack Globe Wernicke BookcaseFB Antiques
Pair Oak Globe Wernicke Four Section BookcasesShackladys Antiques
$813.74 €783.06
Pair Of Sectional Stacking Bookcases By GunnGeorgian Antiques
5 Section Lebus Oak Stacking Bookcase, C.1905The Antique Furniture Company
$613.43 €590.3
Oak Stacking Bookcase 6 HighWickersley Antiques