Antique Barrister Bookcases

Found 338 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale  333 sold )  
Pair Of Oak Stacking Office Bookcases C.1910.£1395 $1746.96   €1674.42 Pair Of Oak Stacking Office Bookcases C.1910.Collinge Antiques Tall 1930s English Oak Minty Stacking Bookcase.   Tall 1930's English Oak Minty Stacking Bookcase. Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Three Tier Lebus Stacking Bookcase   Antique Three Tier Lebus Stacking Bookcase Eras Of Style An Oak Sectional Bookcase With Leaded Glass Doors  An Oak Sectional Bookcase With Leaded Glass DoorsMarvellous Furniture
Globe Wernicke Bookcase£560 $701.29   €672.17 Globe Wernicke BookcaseJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative Mahogany Globe Wernick Style Bookcase  Mahogany Globe Wernick Style BookcaseThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Rare Mahogany Sectional Bookcase£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Rare Mahogany Sectional BookcaseGeorgian Antiques Pair Of Scottish Mahogany Sectional Bookcases£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Pair Of Scottish Mahogany Sectional BookcasesGeorgian Antiques
Carved Oak Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase £495 $619.89   €594.15 Carved Oak Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase Worboys Antiques And Clocks Three Tier Oak Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase£440 $551.01   €528.13 Three Tier Oak Globe Wernicke Style BookcaseWorboys Antiques And Clocks Heals Glazed Oak Sectional Bookcase  Heal's Glazed Oak Sectional BookcaseCirca 1900 Globe Wernicke Bookcase£1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 Globe Wernicke BookcaseJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
Pair Of Heals Oak Glazed Sectional Bookcases  Pair Of Heal's Oak Glazed Sectional BookcasesCirca 1900 Pair Globe Wernicke Three Section Bookcases  Pair Globe Wernicke Three Section BookcasesShackladys Antiques Pair Of Mahogany Globe Wernicke Bookcases  Pair Of Mahogany Globe Wernicke BookcasesShackladys Antiques Oak Globe Wernicke Three Section Bookcase  Oak Globe Wernicke Three Section BookcaseShackladys Antiques
Minty Oxford Stacking Bookcase  Minty Oxford Stacking BookcaseWalcot And Co 3 Tier Oak Bookcase£295 $369.43   €354.09 3 Tier Oak BookcaseDenbighshire Antiques Oak Globe Wernicke Style Bookcase£725 $907.92   €870.22 Oak Globe Wernicke Style BookcaseWorboys Antiques And Clocks Oak Stacking Bookcase  Oak Stacking BookcaseWalcot And Co
Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase By Lebus£695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase By LebusAthey Antiques Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase By£695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase ByAthey Antiques Globe Wernicke Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional£995.00 $1246.04   €1194.3 Globe Wernicke Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / SectionalAthey Antiques Tall Stacking  Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase£895.00 $1120.81   €1074.27 Tall Stacking Bookcase / Sectional BookcaseAthey Antiques
Globe Wernicke Oak Bookcase  Globe Wernicke Oak BookcaseWalcot And Co Oak Stacking Bureau Bookcase By Gunn  Oak Stacking Bureau Bookcase By GunnWalcot And Co Leaded Mahogany Bookcase Of Slim Proportions£895 $1120.81   €1074.27 Leaded Mahogany Bookcase Of Slim ProportionsFernyhough Antiques Mahogany Globe Wernicke Sectional Bookcase  Mahogany Globe Wernicke Sectional BookcaseShackladys Antiques