Gilt Antique Furniture

Found 338 For Sale and Sold    ( 84 for sale  254 sold )  
French Arm Chair Late 18th Century£450 $580.1   €536.27 French Arm Chair Late 18th CenturyRumble Antiques 18th Century Italian Silver Gilt Console Table£6250 $8056.88   €7448.13 18th Century Italian Silver Gilt Console TableLee Wright Antiques And Interiors Two Tier French Trolley£495 $638.1   €589.89 Two Tier French TrolleyFernyhough Antiques Italian Painted And Parcel Gilt Occasional Table£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Italian Painted And Parcel Gilt Occasional TableShackladys Antiques
Outstanding Pair French Gilt Armchairs£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Outstanding Pair French Gilt ArmchairsFernyhough Antiques Large Outstanding French Gilt Sofa£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Large Outstanding French Gilt SofaFernyhough Antiques Pair French Gilt Bergere Armchairs£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Pair French Gilt Bergere ArmchairsFernyhough Antiques Gilt Plaster Wall Bracket£295 $380.28   €351.55 Gilt Plaster Wall BracketKernow Furniture
French Upholstered Gilt Wood Sofa£695 $895.92   €828.23 French Upholstered Gilt Wood SofaKernow Furniture Antique Burr Oak Tilt Top Occasional Table£195 $251.37   €232.38 Antique Burr Oak Tilt Top Occasional TableKernow Furniture Set Of Four French Napoleon III Gilt Salon Chairs£5000 $6445.5   €5958.5 Set Of Four French Napoleon III Gilt Salon ChairsElmgarden Pair Of French Decorative Gilt Upholstered Chairs£350 $451.19   €417.1 Pair Of French Decorative Gilt Upholstered ChairsArundel Decorative
Simulated Marble And Gilt Free Standing Console Table£350 $451.19   €417.1 Simulated Marble And Gilt Free Standing Console TableElmgarden Super French Gilded Chest Of Drawers£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Super French Gilded Chest Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Super French Curved Gilt Couch£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Super French Curved Gilt CouchFernyhough Antiques Pretty French Two Seater Gilt Couch£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Pretty French Two Seater Gilt CouchFernyhough Antiques
Decorative 19th Century Silver Gilt Italian Consol£3450 $4447.4   €4111.37 Decorative 19th Century Silver Gilt Italian ConsolLoveday Antiques Ltd Outstanding Parcel Gilt Console Hall Table£1795 $2313.93   €2139.1 Outstanding Parcel Gilt Console Hall TableFernyhough Antiques Pair Of French Napoleon III Gilt Salon Chairs£2500 $3222.75   €2979.25 Pair Of French Napoleon III Gilt Salon ChairsElmgarden Early 19th Century Gilt Console Table £2950 $3802.85   €3515.52 Early 19th Century Gilt Console Table Tom Scott Antiques
19th Century Empire Style Gilt X Frame Stool £950 $1224.65   €1132.12 19th Century Empire Style Gilt X Frame Stool Elmgarden Superb French Kidney Dressing Table£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Superb French Kidney Dressing TableFernyhough Antiques Superb French Gilt Two Seater Sofa£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Superb French Gilt Two Seater SofaFernyhough Antiques An 18Th Century Style Carved Gilt Wood Torchere£1650 $2127.02   €1966.31 An 18Th Century Style Carved Gilt Wood TorchereGravener Antiques
Pr Boudoir Chairs Used In Netflix The Crown Series£450 $580.1   €536.27 Pr Boudoir Chairs Used In Netflix The Crown SeriesAnthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques Outstanding Gilt Window Seat£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 Outstanding Gilt Window SeatFernyhough Antiques Pair Of French Armchairs / Fauteuils£1395 $1798.29   €1662.42 Pair Of French Armchairs / FauteuilsMerchant House Antiques Late 18th Century Italian Carved Marble Table£8750 $11279.63   €10427.38 Late 18th Century Italian Carved Marble TableLoveday Antiques Ltd