Georgian Antique Furniture

Found 13121 For Sale and Sold    ( 2082 for sale  11039 sold )  
 Antique Oak Deudarn  Antique Oak DeudarnBarnhill Trading Co. Small Georgian Walnut Chest Of Drawers.£1995 $2519.29   €2418.94 Small Georgian Walnut Chest Of Drawers.Collinge Antiques A George III Mahogany Tip-Top Table  A George III Mahogany Tip-Top TableWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Pine Mule Chest - P3066£355 $448.29   €430.44 Pine Mule Chest - P3066Courtyard Antiques
Inlaid George 111 Cabinet£180 $227.3   €218.25 Inlaid George 111 CabinetBaildon Furniture Company Ltd Georgian Bowfront Cabinet.£280 $353.58   €339.5 Georgian Bowfront Cabinet.Baildon Furniture Company Ltd George II Style Walnut Bureau£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 George II Style Walnut BureauGeorgian Antiques George III Mahogany Press Cupboard.£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 George III Mahogany Press Cupboard.Collinge Antiques
Queen Anne Walnut Bureau Bookcase  Queen Anne Walnut Bureau BookcaseWebberley Antiques Georgian Chest On Chest.  Georgian Chest On Chest.Baildon Furniture Company Ltd Georgian Antique Painted Pine Side Table  Georgian Antique Painted Pine Side TableMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd George III Mahogany Corner Wash Stand£245.00 $309.39   €297.06 George III Mahogany Corner Wash StandPeppermill Antiques
Rare Welsh Pine Settle£875 $1104.95   €1060.94 Rare Welsh Pine SettleFernyhough Antiques Geo III Laburnum Wood Lowboy  Geo III Laburnum Wood LowboyDomani Antique And Contemporary Pair Of 18th Century Country Chairs  Pair Of 18th Century Country ChairsPrichard Antiques Welsh Inlaid Hanging Corner Cupboard   Welsh Inlaid Hanging Corner Cupboard Welsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture
Georgian Mahogany Linen Press  Georgian Mahogany Linen PressWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Georgian Antique Elm Country Armchair  Georgian Antique Elm Country ArmchairMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Welsh Oak Coffer Bach C1770   Coffor  Welsh Oak Coffer Bach C1770 'Coffor'Welsh Stick Chairs And Vernacular Furniture Georgian Mahogany Pedestal Dining Table£1995.00 $2519.29   €2418.94 Georgian Mahogany Pedestal Dining TableAthey Antiques
Mahogany Linen Press£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Mahogany Linen PressMerchant House Antiques George III Mahogany Butlers Tray£325.00 $410.41   €394.06 George III Mahogany Butlers TrayPeppermill Antiques Georgian Mahogany Square Washstand£325 $410.41   €394.06 Georgian Mahogany Square WashstandPeter J. Martin Antiques Walnut Kneehole Desk  Walnut Kneehole DeskRichard Midwinter Antiques
Antique Kneehole Desk  Antique Kneehole DeskRichard Midwinter Antiques Pair Of George III Mahogany D End Tables£695.00 $877.65   €842.69 Pair Of George III Mahogany D End TablesPeppermill Antiques George III Mahogany Tea Table £ 650 $820.82   €788.13 George III Mahogany Tea Table Church Street Antiques Six Georgian Mahogany Dining Chairs £ 3200 $4040.96   €3880 Six Georgian Mahogany Dining Chairs Church Street Antiques