Flame Mahogany Antique Furniture
Found 578 For Sale and Sold ( 66 for sale 512 sold )
$2805.08 €2688.98
George III Flame Mahogany Fold Over Card TableGeorgian Antiques
$1240.47 €1189.12
Georgian Flame Mahogany Sideboard ChiffonierPrior And Willis Antiques
$2431.07 €2330.45
Geo.III Chest On ChestLemon Tree Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
19th C. Flame Mahogany Tea TableAffordable Antiques
Monumental Sized Scottish Mahogany SideboardBarnhill Trading Co.
Regency Mahogany Piano Stool Or Dressing StoolAntique Furniture Direct
$1072.16 €1027.79
Early Victorian Side CabinetsJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
$866.46 €830.59
Victorian Flame Mahogany Bow Front Chest Of DrawerPrior And Willis Antiques
$991.13 €950.1
Georgian Flame Mahogany Chest Of DrawersPrior And Willis Antiques
$1215.53 €1165.22
Georgian Style Flame Mahogany Chest On ChestMarylebone Antiques
$10596.95 €10158.35
A William IV Flame Mahogany Breakfront BookcaseGravener Antiques
$2306.4 €2210.94
Neat Size Georgian Mahogany Linen PressCarse Antiques
$1433.71 €1374.37
Serpentine Flame Mahogany Chest On ChestCamden Antiques
$1240.47 €1189.12
Victorian Flame Mahogany Sideboard ChiffonierPrior And Willis Antiques
Stunning French Empire Style Double King Size BedElmgarden
$3677.77 €3525.55
George III Serpentine Chest Of DrawersHeritage Argyle Antiques
$1228 €1177.17
Antique Bow Front Large Cabinet Linen Press London Fine Antiques
$3110.52 €2981.77
Georgian Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase Desk WritingPrior And Willis Antiques
$1059.7 €1015.84
Antique William IV Flame Mahogany SideboardMarylebone Antiques
$1028.53 €985.96
Flame Mahogany Duchess Dressing TableCamden Antiques
Edwardian Sheraton Style Writing TableJohn Howkins Antiques
Georgian Flame Mahogany Bow Front Chest Of DrawersElmgarden
$741.79 €711.08
C1830-50 Flame Mahogany Side Serving Table HallPrior And Willis Antiques
$3677.77 €3525.55
A Rare George III, Mahogany, Secretaire Bookcase Gravener Antiques
$2057.06 €1971.92
Flame Mahogany George IV Linen PressCamden Antiques
$716.85 €687.18
Antique Georgian Style Mahogany Cupboard On Chest Marylebone Antiques
$1963.55 €1882.28
Victorian Secretaire Chest Of Drawers, C.1850London Fine Antiques
$716.85 €687.18
Antique Queen Anne Flame Mahogany Cocktail CabinetMarylebone Antiques