1920s Antique Furniture

Found 11095 For Sale and Sold    ( 1486 for sale  9609 sold )  
Large Anglo Indian Teak Carved Painted Settee, Bench  Large Anglo Indian Teak Carved Painted Settee, BenchElmgarden Early XXth Century Oak Filing Cabinet£1325 $1673.21   €1606.56 Early XXth Century Oak Filing CabinetNimbus Antiques Mahogany Cockpen Armchair  Mahogany Cockpen ArmchairSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Georgian Revival Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£575 $726.11   €697.19 Georgian Revival Mahogany Chest Of DrawersPhilip Hunt Antiques
Figured Walnut Low Side Occasional Coffee Table  Figured Walnut Low Side Occasional Coffee TableThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Walnut Queen Anne Style Display Cabinet£1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 Walnut Queen Anne Style Display CabinetPhilip Hunt Antiques Burr Walnut Bow Front Antique Chest Of Drawers  Burr Walnut Bow Front Antique Chest Of DrawersThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Vintage Brass Smoking Stand  Vintage Brass Smoking StandFounders Antiques
1920s Vintage Glazed Bookcase Cabinet With Key£365.00 $460.92   €442.56 1920s Vintage Glazed Bookcase Cabinet With KeyBilly Hunt Round Burr Walnut Coffee Table£225 $284.13   €272.81 Round Burr Walnut Coffee TableCamden Antiques Small Burr Walnut Bureau  Small Burr Walnut BureauAntique Furniture Direct Rare Pair Of George III Style Bachelor’s Chests£1890 $2386.69   €2291.63 Rare Pair Of George III Style Bachelor’s ChestsGeorgian Antiques
Paul Feher "Petrushka" Painted Screen.  Paul Feher "Petrushka" Painted Screen.Tribalism To Modernism Pair Of Antique French Walnut Salon Chairs£1100 $1389.08   €1333.75 Pair Of Antique French Walnut Salon ChairsMarylebone Antiques Superb Quality Wing Back Arm Chair  Superb Quality Wing Back Arm ChairSturmans Antiques Ltd Heals Oak Dining-room Suite (Tilden)  Heals Oak Dining-room Suite (Tilden)Arts And Craft Antiques
Pair Of Oak Stacking Bookcases - Minty Of Oxford£1500 $1894.2   €1818.75 Pair Of Oak Stacking Bookcases - Minty Of OxfordAthey Antiques Oak Coffer£395 $498.81   €478.94 Oak CofferWorboys Antiques And Clocks Oak Wall Mounted Coat & Hat Stand £295 $372.53   €357.69 Oak Wall Mounted Coat & Hat Stand Worboys Antiques And Clocks Queen Anne Style Demi Lune Card Table  Queen Anne Style Demi Lune Card TableHingstons Antiques Of Wilton
Quality Antique Mahogany Partners Writing Table£2975 $3756.83   €3607.19 Quality Antique Mahogany Partners Writing TableLondon City Antiques Edwardian Beech Bentwood Hall Stand (c. 1910)  Edwardian Beech Bentwood Hall Stand (c. 1910)Yola Gray Antiques 1920s Oak Framed Recliner New Upholstery£490.00 $618.77   €594.13 1920s Oak Framed Recliner New UpholsteryBilly Hunt Charming Regency Style Window Seat Or Salon Chaise  Charming Regency Style Window Seat Or Salon ChaiseElmgarden
Pair 1920s Bentwood Oak Pierced Seat Armchairs£295.00 $372.53   €357.69 Pair 1920s Bentwood Oak Pierced Seat ArmchairsBilly Hunt Antique Burr Walnut Desk £275 $347.27   €333.44 Antique Burr Walnut Desk Joseph Riley Furniture Antique Small Walnut Side Table  Antique Small Walnut Side TableThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Early 20 Th Century Mahogany Wine Table £175 $220.99   €212.19 Early 20 Th Century Mahogany Wine Table Worboys Antiques And Clocks