1920s Antique Furniture

Found 11094 For Sale and Sold    ( 1484 for sale  9610 sold )  
Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional Bookcase£1200.00 $1515.36   €1455 Tall Oak Stacking Bookcase / Sectional BookcaseAthey Antiques Quality Antique Burr Walnut Chest Of Drawers£1085 $1370.14   €1315.56 Quality Antique Burr Walnut Chest Of DrawersThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Pair Oak Bedside Cabinets£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Pair Oak Bedside CabinetsFernyhough Antiques Solid Oak Plank Coffee Table£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Solid Oak Plank Coffee TableFernyhough Antiques
Solid Ipswich Oak Open Bookcase£395 $498.81   €478.94 Solid Ipswich Oak Open BookcaseLT Antiques Pair Of Cherry Wood Night Tables  Bedside Cabinets£775 $978.67   €939.69 Pair Of Cherry Wood Night Tables Bedside CabinetsElmgarden Lloyd Loom Armchair C.1922£450 $568.26   €545.63 Lloyd Loom Armchair C.1922DecorativeEclectic Pair Of Large French Walnut Bedside Cabinets £875 $1104.95   €1060.94 Pair Of Large French Walnut Bedside Cabinets Elmgarden
Imari Chinoiserie Style Painted Console Table £775 $978.67   €939.69 Imari Chinoiserie Style Painted Console Table Elmgarden Pair X Framed Stools£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Pair X Framed StoolsFernyhough Antiques Yew Wood Inlaid Side Lamp Table£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Yew Wood Inlaid Side Lamp TableFernyhough Antiques Wonderful Gilt Rope Stool£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Wonderful Gilt Rope StoolFernyhough Antiques
Pair Of French Mahogany Bedside Cabinets £695 $877.65   €842.69 Pair Of French Mahogany Bedside Cabinets The Vintage Interiors A Pair Of Queen Anne Style Oak Carver Chairs £525 $662.97   €636.56 A Pair Of Queen Anne Style Oak Carver Chairs Elmgarden Brass And Red Rope Barrier £495 $625.09   €600.19 Brass And Red Rope Barrier Elmgarden Pair Of Quality French Bedside Lamp Chests Of Drawers£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Pair Of Quality French Bedside Lamp Chests Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques
Antique Chippendale Style Mahogany Bureau Bookcase£14750 $18626.3   €17884.38 Antique Chippendale Style Mahogany Bureau BookcaseLondon City Antiques Oak Open Bookcase £275 $347.27   €333.44 Oak Open Bookcase Worboys Antiques And Clocks Superb Mahogany Pedestal Desk£1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 Superb Mahogany Pedestal DeskFernyhough Antiques French Armoire In Plummet Grey £1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 French Armoire In Plummet Grey The Vintage Interiors
Oak Cabinet Bookcase £395 $498.81   €478.94 Oak Cabinet Bookcase Worboys Antiques And Clocks Carved Oak French Marble Topped  Dressing Table £895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Carved Oak French Marble Topped Dressing Table The Vintage Interiors Painted French Armoire In Downpipe Grey£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Painted French Armoire In Downpipe GreyThe Vintage Interiors French Marquetry Bombe Shaped Commode Chest Of Dra£1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 French Marquetry Bombe Shaped Commode Chest Of DraFernyhough Antiques
Fine Inlaid Mahogany Card Games Table£995 $1256.49   €1206.44 Fine Inlaid Mahogany Card Games TableFernyhough Antiques Super Yew Wood Campaign Chest Of Drawers Of Small £1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 Super Yew Wood Campaign Chest Of Drawers Of Small Fernyhough Antiques Stacking Bookcase £300 $378.84   €363.75 Stacking Bookcase Smiths Vintage George II Style Walmut Stool£395 $498.81   €478.94 George II Style Walmut StoolJohn Howkins Antiques