Early 19th Century Antique Wall Clocks
Found 144 For Sale and Sold ( 48 for sale 96 sold )
$1558.38 €1493.88
Fine Regency London Fusee Wall ClockRams Head Antiques
Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks
$2181.73 €2091.43
Regency Mahogany Drop Dial Wall Clock (England, C.Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Superb Regency Brass Inlaid Fusee WallclockSturmans Antiques Ltd
$2431.07 €2330.45
Twin Fusee Dropdial Wall Clock Handley Moore LondoKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Unusual Wall Clock With Therometer And Barometer David Wolfenden Antiques
$2244.06 €2151.18
Regency Mahogany Eight Day Fusee Wall ClockWilliams Antiques Restoration
$367.78 €352.55
Attractive Small Vienna Wall ClockLimited Editions
$1683.05 €1613.39
Regency Georgian Dropdial Clock Pain Of LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$3303.76 €3167.02
Regulator Wall Clock - Gowland Of SunderlandAthey Antiques
$1932.39 €1852.41
Georgian Convex Fusee Grant, LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Early 19th Century Tavern Clock. M901Prichard Antiques
Fusee Drop Dial By Kerby Of BristolThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
$1203.07 €1153.27
Unsual 8 Day 12'' Fusee Wall Clock Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$2337.56 €2240.81
Early 19th Century Convex Dial Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
$1683.05 €1613.39
Georgian Convex Dial Fusee Richardson NottinghamKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
$3553.1 €3406.04
French Resturation Wall ClockOlde Time Antique Clocks
$6545.18 €6274.28
Miniature French Ebonised Wall ClockOlde Time Antique Clocks
$991.13 €950.1
12'' Fusee Wall Clock, GainsboroughSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$991.13 €950.1
Regency Mahogany Fusee Drop Dial Wall ClockRams Head Antiques
$1683.05 €1613.39
Harris London Georgian Fusee DropdialKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Regency London 12" Drop DialWilliam James Antiques And Interiors
$1683.05 €1613.39
Georgian Convex Dial Fusee Harris LondonKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
8” Convex Fusee Dial ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
$1589.54 €1523.75
Regency Drop Dial Wall Clock (England, C. 1820)Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Tavern Clock By Thomas Gaskell, KnutsfordThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
$7729.54 €7409.62
Mahogany Single Fusee Verge Dial ClockCarlton Clocks
$1620.71 €1553.63
Twin Fusee Wall Clock By Jn.Kingerley Manchester Notts Clocks