Early 19th Century Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 331 For Sale and Sold    ( 66 for sale  265 sold )  
Mahogany Musical Clock, Jno. Barnish, Rochdale.£4400.00 $5677.76   €5238.64 Mahogany Musical Clock, Jno. Barnish, Rochdale.D.J. Massey And Son William Osborn Of Kingsbridge 8 Day Longcase Clock£4950 $6387.48   €5893.47 William Osborn Of Kingsbridge 8 Day Longcase ClockThe Chimes 1818 Swedish Mora Clock White Bronze 1818 215cm  1818 Swedish Mora Clock White Bronze 1818 215cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Mora Clock Swedish Gold Black Chinoiserie  Antique Mora Clock Swedish Gold Black ChinoiserieSwedish Interior Design
Mora Clock Swedish Antique Folk Art Painted 208cm  Mora Clock Swedish Antique Folk Art Painted 208cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Swedish Mora Clock Black Gold Angel 206cm  Antique Swedish Mora Clock Black Gold Angel 206cmSwedish Interior Design Mora Clock Antique Swedish 1800s Grandfather 195cm  Mora Clock Antique Swedish 1800s Grandfather 195cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Swedish Mora Clock White Gold 215cm  Antique Swedish Mora Clock White Gold 215cmSwedish Interior Design
Swedish Antique Mora Clock White Red 1800s 205cm  Swedish Antique Mora Clock White Red 1800s 205cmSwedish Interior Design Swedish Antique White Mora Clock 1812 200cm  Swedish Antique White Mora Clock 1812 200cmSwedish Interior Design 19th Century Musical Longcase Clock £4750 $6129.4   €5655.35 19th Century Musical Longcase Clock Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors Hancock Of Chard Somerset Longcase Clock£1250 $1613   €1488.25 Hancock Of Chard Somerset Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Scottish Longcase Clock By John Smith Pittenweem  Scottish Longcase Clock By John Smith PittenweemMillers Antiques Of Wooler 19th Century Mahogany And Inlaid Long Case Clock£3450 $4451.88   €4107.57 19th Century Mahogany And Inlaid Long Case ClockMartlesham Antiques Scottish Longcase Clock By Bryson Of Edinburgh£7850 $10129.64   €9346.21 Scottish Longcase Clock By Bryson Of EdinburghP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Antique Carved Oak  Longcase Clock £525.00 $677.46   €625.07 Antique Carved Oak Longcase Clock Rees Antiques
Antique "chester" 8 Day Longcase/grandfather Clock£550 $709.72   €654.83 Antique "chester" 8 Day Longcase/grandfather ClockRees Antiques Antique  OAK  LECTERN£700 $903.28   €833.42 Antique OAK LECTERNRees Antiques Superb Walnut  "London" Longcase Clock£3250 $4193.8   €3869.45 Superb Walnut "London" Longcase ClockRees Antiques Automation Ship "bath"  Longcase Clock£950 $1225.88   €1131.07 Automation Ship "bath" Longcase ClockRees Antiques
MARQUETRY "LONDON " LONGCASE CLOCK £6500 $8387.6   €7738.9 MARQUETRY "LONDON " LONGCASE CLOCK Rees Antiques Georgian Oak Long-Case Grandfather 30 Hour Clock£295.00 $380.67   €351.23 Georgian Oak Long-Case Grandfather 30 Hour ClockSlades Antiques Antique Longcase Clock By James Callcott Of Bolton£3950 $5097.08   €4702.87 Antique Longcase Clock By James Callcott Of BoltonThe Chimes Scottish Long Case Clock  Circa 1815£1400 $1806.56   €1666.84 Scottish Long Case Clock Circa 1815Antique Rarities
8 Day Longcase Clock By George Sutherland, Elgin£1100 $1419.44   €1309.66 8 Day Longcase Clock By George Sutherland, ElginSunnyside Antiques C1800 8 Day Longcase Clock With 12-o-Clock Moon£4950 $6387.48   €5893.47 C1800 8 Day Longcase Clock With 12-o-Clock MoonThe Chimes Burton Of Kendal Longcase Clock £1600 $2064.64   €1904.96 Burton Of Kendal Longcase Clock Notts Clocks Automata Longcase Clock By Vurley Of Wisbech£6250 $8065   €7441.25 Automata Longcase Clock By Vurley Of WisbechThe Clock Work Shop Winchester