Victorian Antique Bracket Clocks

Found 272 For Sale and Sold    ( 58 for sale  214 sold )  
Ornate French Brass Clock Garniture (freres)£845.00 $1065.97   €1018.48 Ornate French Brass Clock Garniture (freres)Melbourne Antiques Mantel Clock By Barraud & Lunds£2950 $3721.43   €3555.64 Mantel Clock By Barraud & LundsKembery Antique Clocks Ltd French Boulle Bracket Clock £2750 $3469.13   €3314.58 French Boulle Bracket Clock Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Dent Of London, Table Regulator  Dent Of London, Table RegulatorThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
French Gilt Marble Clock£345.00 $435.22   €415.83 French Gilt Marble ClockWoodys Antiques German Oak Mantel Clock£260.00 $327.99   €313.38 German Oak Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques Rare Black Forest Trumpeter Clock£5250 $6622.88   €6327.83 Rare Black Forest Trumpeter ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Antique Champleve Enamel Mantel Clock£1995 $2516.69   €2404.57 Antique Champleve Enamel Mantel ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd
Small English Library Bracket Clock  Small English Library Bracket ClockWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Tortoise Shell Boulle Sevres Ormolu Mantel Clock£1995 $2516.69   €2404.57 Tortoise Shell Boulle Sevres Ormolu Mantel ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd Triple Chain Fusee Victorian Pad Top Bracket Clock£2795 $3525.89   €3368.81 Triple Chain Fusee Victorian Pad Top Bracket ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd Top Quality Wh Twin Fusee Bracket Clock£1495 $1885.94   €1801.92 Top Quality Wh Twin Fusee Bracket ClockPrestige Clocks Ltd
Striking Silver Plated Carriage Clock£895 $1129.04   €1078.74 Striking Silver Plated Carriage ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Oak Cross-banded Grandfather Clock. £575 $725.36   €693.05 Oak Cross-banded Grandfather Clock. Ledger Brothers Antiques Miniature Bracket Clock By Viner Of London  Miniature Bracket Clock By Viner Of LondonThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Rare Wilcock Bracket Clock £850 $1072.28   €1024.51 Rare Wilcock Bracket Clock Melbourne Antiques
Satinwood Fusee Timepiece Five Glass  Satinwood Fusee Timepiece Five GlassThe Clock Work Shop Winchester French Striking Mantel Clock£535.00 $674.9   €644.84 French Striking Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques American Oak Mantel Clock£320.00 $403.68   €385.7 American Oak Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques French Arts & Crafts Clock£335.00 $422.6   €403.78 French Arts & Crafts ClockWoodys Antiques
French 8-day Slate Mantel Clock£265.00 $334.3   €319.4 French 8-day Slate Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques French Ebonised Mantel Clock£245.00 $309.07   €295.3 French Ebonised Mantel ClockWoodys Antiques Scottish Drumhead 8 Day Grandfather Clock£1800.00 $2270.7   €2169.54 Scottish Drumhead 8 Day Grandfather ClockAthey Antiques Walnut Striking Bracket Clock £775 $977.66   €934.11 Walnut Striking Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Arts And Crafts Silver Plated Mantel Clock£425 $536.14   €512.25 Arts And Crafts Silver Plated Mantel ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany Cased Eight Day Grandfather Clock  Mahogany Cased Eight Day Grandfather ClockShackladys Antiques Long Case Eight Day Clock S N Hancock Yeovil  Long Case Eight Day Clock S N Hancock YeovilShackladys Antiques Frodsham 5 Glass Bracket Clock  Frodsham 5 Glass Bracket ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester