Late Victorian Antique Textiles and Embroidery

Found 48 For Sale and Sold    ( 11 for sale  37 sold )  
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Islamic Wall Hanging / Hammock Cradle£225.00 $284.74   €271.22 Islamic Wall Hanging / Hammock CradleDaryl Yeates Antiques Antique School Sampler, English, Needlepoint£595 $752.97   €717.21 Antique School Sampler, English, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques Large Antique School Sampler, English, Needlepoint£895 $1132.62   €1078.83 Large Antique School Sampler, English, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques Arts And Crafts Period Needlework Picture£225 $284.74   €271.22 Arts And Crafts Period Needlework PicturePrometheus Antiques
C.1888 Mary Campbell School Needlework Sampler£950 $1202.23   €1145.13 C.1888 Mary Campbell School Needlework SamplerWimbledon Furniture Ltd 19th Century Zardozi Peacock Framed Wall Panel£725 $917.49   €873.92 19th Century Zardozi Peacock Framed Wall PanelBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) French Late Nineteenth Century Cotton Quilt £650 $822.58   €783.51 French Late Nineteenth Century Cotton Quilt Alienor Antique Framed Sampler, English, Cross-Stitch£475 $601.11   €572.57 Antique Framed Sampler, English, Cross-StitchLondon Fine Antiques
The Potter Sampler From Breconshire£1185 $1499.62   €1428.4 The Potter Sampler From BreconshireHavard And Havard  Chinese Antique Silk Picture£225.00 $284.74   €271.22 Chinese Antique Silk PictureBarnhill Trading Co. antique£95 $120.22   €114.51  Mid Cheshire Antiques And Art Centre Fine Wool Work Victorian Sussex Reg Sampler C1890£285 $360.67   €343.54 Fine Wool Work Victorian Sussex Reg Sampler C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Large Victorian Sampler - Unusual Subjects£425.00 $537.84   €512.3 Large Victorian Sampler - Unusual SubjectsAthey Antiques Kid Gloves   Kid Gloves Vladds Interiors Arts & Crafts Embroidery (British C.1910)  Arts & Crafts Embroidery (British C.1910)Radnorshire Fine Arts Ltd A C19 Aesthetic Silk Embroidered Tablecloth £275 $348.01   €331.49 A C19 Aesthetic Silk Embroidered Tablecloth Alienor
Arts And Crafts Nursery Tapestry  Arts And Crafts Nursery TapestryArt Furniture Fabulous Period Arts & Crafts Curtains 8ft X2 Ft  Fabulous Period Arts & Crafts Curtains 8ft X2 FtAntique Rarities Pair Of Antique Bone Handled Religious Pennants£57.00 $72.13   €68.71 Pair Of Antique Bone Handled Religious PennantsTerrier Antiques Welsh Sampler£145 $183.5   €174.78 Welsh SamplerMouse House Antiques
Needlework Sampler Dated 1886.£130 $164.52   €156.7 Needlework Sampler Dated 1886.Spectrum Antiques 19th Century Alphabet Sampler In Original Frame £385 $487.22   €464.08 19th Century Alphabet Sampler In Original Frame Rams Head Antiques 2 X Victorian Samplers By M Newcombe£30 $37.97   €36.16 2 X Victorian Samplers By M NewcombeAlan Eady Antiques Antique Sewing Sampler French/Belgian C.1900£90 $113.9   €108.49 Antique Sewing Sampler French/Belgian C.1900Textiles And Stuff
Victorian Needlework Of A Dog  Victorian Needlework Of A DogPrometheus Antiques Arts & Crafts Embroidery. The Daisy Chain  Arts & Crafts Embroidery. The Daisy ChainRed House Antiques Charming Edwardian Pin Cushion - Owl - Glass Eyes   Charming Edwardian Pin Cushion - Owl - Glass Eyes Puckerings Antiques Victorian Woolwork Flower Arrangement Centrepiece  Victorian Woolwork Flower Arrangement CentrepiecePrometheus Antiques
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